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A Strange New Acquaintance

Unlocked by: Pamela (the Spirit) is your familiar.

Phase 1: Pamela the Familiar ghost.

1. What should you do? (Analyze vs 4)

Success - Increase Chance of Success by 33%, select another option.
Failure - Temporarily increase Stress by 2, select another option.

2. Social Skills vs 2 - Promise to be nice.

Success - Character Study +1 SS, Familiar/Bond of Stars +1 SS, Familiar Kinship +1 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship -1 SS, advance to next phase

3. Ignore her.

Automatic - Composure +1 SS, Familiar Kinship -1 SS

4. Schoolyard Education vs 5 - Encourage the spirit to get to work.

Success - Intimidation +1 SS, Familiar Kinship -1 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship -1 SS, advance to next phase

Phase 2: Studying!

1. Gossip vs 11 - Consider the rumors about this spirit.

Success - Increase Chance of Success by 50%, select another option.
Failure - No effect, select another option.

2. Acrobatics vs 9 - Let her help - and hope to avoid the worst of the consequences.

Success - Awareness +1 SS, Familiar/Study Habits +1 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS
Failure - Vitality -2

3. Command vs 10 - Make her do the work.

Success - Study Habits +2 SS, Familiar/Study Habits +1 SS, Familiar Kinship -1 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship -1 SS, Stress +1

4. Refuse help.

Automatic - Study Habits +1 SS, Stress +2, fail adventure phase.

Phase 3: The Invisible Friend and the Wedding Feast.

1. Observation vs 16 - Check things out - maybe she *can* go.

Success - Awareness +1 SS, unlock option 2, select another option
Failure - Etiquette -1 SS, select another option.

2. Tell Pamela the unhappy truth.

Automatic - Stress +1, Familiar/Bond of Stars +2 SS, Familar/Temperance +1 SS

3. Acting vs 14 - Pretend you're not going.

Success - Acting +2 SS, Familiar/Bond of Silver +2 SS, Familar/Temperance +1 SS
Failure - Stress +1, advance to next phase

4. Glamour vs 13 - Soothe her with magic.

Success - Glamour Methods +1 SS, Familiar/Bond of Silver +1 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship +2 SS, Stress +1, advance to next phase.

Phase 4: Vengeance for your Invisible Friend!

1. Patrol vs 22 - Find someone who can share some information on ghosts.

Success - Temperance +2 SS, unlock option 2, select another option.
Failure - Stress +2, select another option.

2. Sing a Song!

Automatic - Voice +1 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS, Familiar/Bond of Stars +1 SS

3. Practical Jokes vs 18 - Do something cunning.

Success - Concentration +2 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS, Familiar/Bond of Silver +1 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship +1 SS, Collegiate Merit -2, Vitality -2, advance to next phase.

4. Incantation Methods vs 19 - Fire is the way!

Success - Analyze +2 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS, Familiar/Bond of Stars +1 SS
Failure - Familiar Kinship +1 SS, Stress +3, advance to next phase.

Phase 5: Studying.

1. Passion vs 24 - Sell her on the idea of helping someone else.

Success - Manipulation +2 SS, Storytelling +2 SS, Unlock The Calling Light
Failure - Stress +3

2. Awareness vs 23 - Let her help.

Success - Competition +2 SS, Familiar Kinship +2 SS, Unlock The Calling Light
Failure - Familiar Kinship +1 SS, Vitality -3

3. Walk away.

Automatic - Study Habits +1 SS, Conversation -1 SS, fail adventure phase.

Summary of Rewards

Assuming you succeed at phase 2, this adventure will take 5 time periods. You will gain up to 6-11 skill ups and your familiar will gain up to 4-7 skill ups. This unlocks the The Calling Light adventure.
