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As you pass by the Godina common room, your attention is suddenly drawn to a loud commotion that seems to be coming from inside. Wondering what all of the ruckus is about, you take a look inside.

Between screaming students and growling familiars, it's quite the madhouse.

It doesn't take you long to notice the source of the disturbance, as it has now noticed you and it is hissing very loudly in your direction. It is a reather large rat with a rather angry disposition. It looks familiar to you, but you can't quite put your finger on it.

Then your eyes turn to a rather subdued Alan Driscoll, who is standing in the corner trying not to look guilty. That's when you realize where this rate has come from. This disgusting creature is his familiar!

You frown, trying to figure out why Fortunatus would be acting so aggressive when the rat is usually fairly friendly but realize this isn't the time! Either way, for some reason, be it fear or fancy, Alan is not attempting to subdue it, despite his usually good - if not intense - nature.


  • 1. Intelligence/Zoology vs 7: Think about the situation for a minute. You've read a thing or two about rats.
Success: unlock option 4, choose again
Failure: no effect, choose again
Success: Expand Compete - Manipulation +1 SL
Failure: -1 Vitality
  • 3. Charm/Intimidation vs 4: Admonish the foolish student for letting the familiar run rampant.
Success: Expand Bully - Intimidation +1 SS
Failure: -1 Vitality
Success: Expand Incantation - Incantation Spells +1 SS
Failure: Expand Collegiate Merit -2