The Ambassador to Beasts spell is a complicated Glamour that directs the caster's sences toward the subtlest details of animal and inhuman bahavior. For four days at a time, the caster's Animal Husbandry, Familiar Kinship, Mimicry and Patrol skills are all Increased by 2 points; his or her skill at human Conversation, however, is Decreased by 1 over the same period. There are no Rolls required.
- Patrol +2
- Explore - Animal Husbandry +2
- Ambush - Mimicry +2
- School Survival - Familiar Kinship +2
- Befriend - Conversation -1
24 (4 days)
Action types[]
- Spell
Spell types[]
- Animal
- Greet
- Glamour
Unlocked by[]
Explore - Seeking Friends in Hidden Places - 5