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Academagia Wiki

Through the centuries, poets have come up with thousands upon thousands of metaphors for friendship. Philosophers have devised and revised hundreds of systems of thought based on friendship its derivatives. For some, it is the deepest necessity of life; for others, it's just a way to get what they want, and end to one's means. No matter how you look at, no person has made their way through life without an arm to lean on every now and then. Having a friend can make all the difference in the world...even one as broken up as Elumia.

Dominant Attribute: Charm

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Speak (Pheme), "All My Love, Vendii" (Lore)
  2. Anecdote (Ability)
  3. Friendship (Pheme), "True Peace" (Lore)
  4. +10 Parental Approval
  5. Listen Attentively (Action)
  6. Amicita (Pheme), "Curse of the Phoenix" (Lore)
  7. Camaraderie (Pheme)
  8. "Mother, In My Heart" (Lore)
  9. The Smile of Iudocia (Spell)
  10. Leading Conversation (Action)
  11. Friendquake (Spell)

Research Topic (Befriend):[]

Related links:[]


Caught somewhere between the Skills of Diplomacy and Storytelling, the Skill of Conversation is all about exactly what you'd think it would be...talking with other people. Old Elumian tales tell of times where mortal enemies spoke for hours before engaging in sword or wand fights; while children of today may find this idea exasperating, those in wizarding schools find the thought exhilarating. Here are men and women looking to talk to whatever they can find...people, dragons, toads...even the rocks and stones about them! Conversation has a port and bow, however, and cannot be held up by only one side. Those who dominate the Skill of Conversation usually dominate a conversation as well, so for better or worse, perhaps one should consider at least spending some time learning this exhausting and exhilarating Skill.

Dominant Attribute: Charm

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Encourage Fellow Student (Action), Relationship with Random Student +1
  2. Garble (Pheme), "A Socialite’s Guide to Conversation I" (Lore)
  3. Relationship with Random Student +1
  4. Sloppy Speech (Pheme), "A Socialite’s Guide to Conversation II" (Lore)
  5. Iron Jaw (Spell)
  6. Relationship with Random Instructor +2
  7. Speech (Pheme), "A Socialite’s Guide to Conversation III" (Lore)
  8. Relationship with Random Student +1
  9. "A Socialite’s Guide to Conversation IV" (Lore)
  10. Exgarcot's Extraordinary Gift (Spell)
  11. Expand [Random Subskill] for your Familiar

How to raise Skill maximum:[]

Research Topic (Conversation)[]

Related links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Charm

Not, as many think, a Skill about listening to sounds in the woods or around hallways, the Skill of Listen is about listening to friends and families in a constructive, positive way that can lead to better relationships.  The Skill of Listen is about knowing when to keep one’s mouth clamped tightly closed and let the other person have a chance to say something; equally as important, the Listen Skill is about knowing when to keep a wary ear to the ground for juicy information or conversations!  

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. "The World Hidden, by Kustom Mrovix" (Lore)
  2. "Music: A Study, by Levoliott Feldmar" (Lore)
  3. Relationship with Random Student +1
  4. Inform Random Student's Clique Ability
  5. Presence (Pheme), "The Deaf Do Listen, by Ghrosh Mernarh" (Lore)
  6. Inform Random Uncommon Item
  7. Inform Random Student
  8. Relationship with Random Instructor +1
  9. "Wise Yet Anonymous Proverb" (Lore)
  10. Character Study maximum +1
  11. Sharp Ears (Ability)

How to raise Skill maximum:[]

Research Topic (Listen):[]

Related links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Charm

Temperance is the art of knowing when to say ‘when’…when to hold one’s anger, when to hold one’s opinion to oneself, and when to hold one’s hand over their glass and refuse the next mug of mead.  Those who have temperance will find themselves more likely to make better friends or get along with those they already have; another frequently overlooked aspect is how having temperance affects one’s relationships with parent(s) and authority figures.  Having temperance means knowing when to let another person talk or when to speak up and break an uncomfortable silence even when it means drawing unwanted attention to oneself.  Above all, temperance is about keeping one’s head when all other things seem lost.   

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Relationship with Random Student +1
  2. "Temperance SP I" (Lore)
  3. Relationship with Random Student +2
  4. "Temperance SP II" (Lore)
  5. "Temperance SP III" (Lore)
  6. Relationship with Random Student +2
  7. Charm (Pheme), "Temperance SP IV" (Lore)
  8. Hostis (Pheme), "Temperance SP V" (Lore)
  9. Relationship with Random Instructor +2
  10. Meek (Ability)
  11. Mild (Ability)

How to raise Skill maximum:[]

Research Topic (Temperance)[]

Related links:[]
