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The Bond between a Wizard and a Familiar is one part empathy and three parts magic - but learning to use and understand it is all skill. Different from developing a sense of Familiar Kinship, honing a Bond allows you to draw specific powers and abilities from the connection you and your non-human ally share.

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

Note: The Bond skill doesn't show up in the Character's skill list, but in the Familiar's skill list. Likewise, remember that since it is your familiar's skill, its training rate is affected only by your familiar's Abilities and not by yours.

Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. "Bond Skills I" (Lore)
  2. "Bond Skills II" (Lore)
  3. Wizard and Familiar (Ability)
  4. "Bond Skills III" (Lore)
  5. "Bond Skills IV" (Lore)
  6. "Bond Skills V" (Lore)
  7. Investigate Magical Bond (Action)
  8. "Bond Skills VI" (Lore)
  9. "Bond Skills VII" (Lore)
  10. Gift of the Familiar (Action)

Related Links:[]

Bond of Iron[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

The Bond of Iron is one of the three components of the overall Bond between Wizard and Familiar.  It represents the physical aspect of the connection between you, allowing you to draw upon powers that strengthen the body and support you against material threats.

Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. "Bond of Iron I" (Lore)
  2. "Bond of Iron II" (Lore)
  3. "Bond of Iron III" (Lore)
  4. Shared Awareness (Ability)
  5. "Bond of Iron IV" (Lore)
  6. "Bond of Iron V" (Lore)
  7. Refreshment of Body (Action)
  8. "Bond of Iron VI" (Lore), Lend Fitness (Ability), Lend Finesse (Abiltity), Lend Strength (Ability)
  9. "Bond of Iron VII" (Lore)
  10. The Bond of Iron (Ability)

Related Links:[]

Bond of Silver[]

Dominant Attribute: Intelligence

The Bond of Silver is one of three components to a Wizard's greater Bond to his or her Familiar.  It represents the way the connection acts upon and can be utilized by the mind, honing Skills, relieving Stress, and clearing the way to more precise thinking.

Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. "Bond of Silver I" (Lore)
  2. "Bond of Silver II" (Lore)
  3. "Bond of Silver III" (Lore)
  4. Refreshment of Mind (Action)
  5. "Bond of Silver IV" (Lore)
  6. "Bond of Silver V" (Lore)
  7. Trade Insights (Action)
  8. "Bond of Silver VI" (Lore), Lend Insight (Ability), Lend Intelligence (Ability)
  9. "Bond of Silver VII" (Lore)
  10. The Bond of Silver (Ability)

Related Links:[]

  • Category:Expand Familiar
  • Items - Bond of Silver
  • Locations - Bond of Silver
  • Spells - Bond of Silver
  • Phemes - Bond of Silver

Bond of Stars[]

Dominant Attribute: Luck

The Bond of Stars represents one of three components of the larger Bond between Wizard and Familiar.  It concerns the Spirit, and the influence of magical powers and astrological courses, all bending destiny a bit closer to your desires.

Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. "Bond of Stars I" (Lore)
  2. "Bond of Stars II" (Lore)
  3. "Bond of Stars III" (Lore)
  4. Refreshment of Spirit (Ability)
  5. "Bond of Stars IV" (Lore)
  6. "Bond of Stars V" (Lore), Lend Luck (Ability)
  7. Today an Adventure (Action)
  8. "Bond of Stars VI" (Lore)
  9. "Bond of Stars VII" (Lore)
  10. The Bond of Stars (Ability)

Related Links:[]
