Academagia Wiki

Get Started

Prior to customization, a new Student looks like this. But none of this will be shown until several key decisions have been made to customize your Main Character.

The first window of character creation simply records your choice of name (first and last) and gender.

Next (and for the following eight 'pages'), 10 Creation Points are allocated to flesh out the new student.


Every mage needs to start somewhere, and the first question is how many points will be used to raise one or more of the 7 Attributes: Strength, Finesse, Fitness, Charm, Intelligence, Luck and Insight. A maximum of 5 Creation Points may be spent on this page, and no more than 2 points may be added to a single Attribute (on this page).

Note that there are several ways to raise Attributes throughout the course of the game, and also quite a few Background choices that not only increase an Attribute but also improve starting Skills and/or grant a special Ability, Action or Item.

For a more detailed discussion, see our Attribute Distribution Guide.

Character Background

Youtube Tutorial, Backgrounds

Once points have been assigned to the Attributes, one is presented with the following questions:

  1. Where did you come from?
  2. What was your family life like?
  3. What sort of things did you do?
  4. What kind of education did you have?
  5. What sort of Familiar do you have?
  6. What have you packed for your journey?
  7. Did anything noteworthy happen to you along the way?


Youtube Tutorial, Colleges and Courses

If you're all done spending points, now come the most far-reaching decisions as to what you will spend your first year doing.

There are currently seven Colleges at the Academagia: Aranaz, Avila, Durand, Godina, Hedi, Morvidus, and Vernin. Each has a blend of influences, reputation and tradition that will manifest in various ways during the game, but at this point the most obvious influence is that each has a different set of mandatory Courses.

Each student takes six Courses a day, five days a week (even when some weeks are longer than others - see Holidays), for the whole school year - but he/she only gets to pick three or four of those six Courses. For example, all students in Hedi must take Glamour, Grammar, and Rhetoric, then each can take whatever three others are desired; all students in Morvidus must take Revision and Zoology, then four freely chosen others.

The following chart may assist in decisions balancing starting Attributes with your Course-load:

Primary Attributes for the 17 Courses
Charm Finesse Fitness Insight Intelligence Luck
Glamour Calligraphy Athletics Botany Arithmetic Astrology
Rhetoric Incantation Negation Enchant Dialectic
Music Geometry

The Look

Finally, choose a portrait. Without modding, there will be two options (each College has a different pair of portrait options for each gender - i.e. the Main Character will have one of 28 possible faces).

The First Steps In-Game

Youtube Tutorial: The first steps

Youtube Tutorial: The first steps, events

Welcome to the Academagia! (Event)

Walk with your Mentor (Event)
