Region: Academagia[]
Chance of Discovery: 1[]
The furniture in the Dialectic room tends to move from class to class; Professor Sido doesn't mind kids pushing thelr desks together, or clearing space at the back of the room for pacing around and/or napping as needed. He himself generally likes to keep his desk shoved into a corner near a window, so that he can enjoy the sunlight as he sits on top of it. (His chair was commandeered by Flore Yveulllet about five minutes after it became clear he wasn't golng to use it, and remains very much her property during the first-year class.) Maps Iine the walls, and there's a small set of cubbles by the door for any students who care to remove their shoes and boots.
Abilities (Passive)[]
VIsitors to the Dialectic classroom enjoy 1 point Increases to Curiosity, Debate and Logic, but only for the duration of their stay.
Unlocked by[]
- Explore - Academagia
- Enrollment