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The Discover Pheme will Increase one's Explore and Research Skills by 1 point each. The difficulty level is 4.

Conquest relies on discovery, just as discovery relies on conquest. When Verus sent out his first wave of explorers, he assured them that they would have the finest equipment the Empire could provide. At the time, though, the finest the Empire could provide was a pat on the back, a rousing speech, and a general idea of which explorer should go where. This first generation of explorers discovered much; the generations who came later spent so much time formalizing the process of exploration that they did not so much discover as redefine and reexamine. The Discover Pheme still holds the beauty of the first wave of discoverers deep in its roots, though. If new lands were to be found that needed exploring, the Discover Pheme would be at the top of every wizard's palette.

Difficulty: 4[]

Possible Effects[]

Spell Types[]

  • Discovery (Magnitude = 3)
  • Adventurous (Magnitude = 2)

