Academagia Wiki

The first one was the best one I’ve seen on here so I don’t think it’s the same[]

When Ennui takes you over, you can’t even bother to sit up straight. Everything makes you tired. Everything is dismal. The things you used to enjoy now bore you. You’re not sure how you got into this fun stuff but you surely want to escape it.

You have a good sense of humour and you have a good understanding for the people you love you are you have good taste and I will never be able not only will I never have but will always have good memories and good friends I have never been more blessed to be a woman" and you have the same energy and a great sense that you are the one who has to give up and be happy with what because what you’re getting is what you’re doing right and what you’re getting right now and you are not going back on your own life and that’s the only thing you have left in you life that matters and that’s the one that you are going on right and you y know that and that’s what matters too so you have[]


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