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Academagia Wiki

Finding that which has been lost is one talent; finding that which has never before been found is another, and the later is what the Explore skill is all about. Exploring is more than simple looking. It requires mobility, intelligence, insight, and survival skills that lay beyond the reach of the 'average' person or creature. Famous explorers are the ones who can claim to have discovered something never before seen and, more importantly, lived to tell the tale. Those on the outside looking in on the wonderful world of explorers usually like to think of it as adventuring; those on the inside know better and realize that simply surviving is a victory. Exploring is not all glory and honor, so take heed; those who seek to master the skills of exploring had best prepare themselves with spells and potions before taking on their profession of choice. Exploring is dangerous...but glamorous as well.

Dominant Attribute: Luck

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Explore (Action)
  2. Air (Pheme), Explorer Hunnel (Lore)
  3. Discover (Pheme)
  4. Imperial Palace: Tapestry Room
  5. Orient (Pheme), Explorer Ben-Dael (Lore)
  6. Sense of Direction (Spell)
  7. Map Region (Action)
  8. Fire (Pheme), Emissaries of King Darian (Lore)
  9. Record (Pheme)
  10. Write Travelogue (Ability)
  11. View from the Top (Spell)

Research Topic (Explore)[]

Related Links:[]

Animal Husbandry[]

Dominant Attribute: Luck

Next to the perfection of Agriculture, the domestication of certain animals was the most important thing Man did after the Upheaval separated Man from Wyrm in parts of the world. The Skill of Animal Husbandry is the summation of much of the discoveries in the last few centuries that have allowed men and women to keep dogs as pets and guards, train ferrets to squeeze into tight places and hunt vermin, and keep rabbits and other like animals for food. Animal Husbandry is an important skill to know for those who wish to become famed explorers, for without Animal Husbandry, one may find themselves in a tough spot that requires an animal's touch and be unable to gain assistance.

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Voices From the Mirror (Lore)
  2. The Guardian and the Pet (Lore)
  3. Academagia: Stables
  4. Animal (Pheme)
  5. Animal Analogy (Action)
  6. Jitters (Pheme), More Voices from the Mirror (Lore)
  7. You Can Hide in the Roses (Lore)
  8. Locals Whisper (Lore)
  9. Mineta Farms (Shop)
  10. Animalistic Empathy (Action)
  11. Curse of the Branding Iron (Spell)

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Research Topic (Animal Husbandry)[]

Related Links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Luck

With the rending of the land into scattered islands, the Skill of Cartography became simultaneously invaluable and inoperable, for how could one understand where one community was in relation to others when one could not travel from place to place freely? With the discovery and exploitation of Cloudwood, cartography again became possible. The passing of time had not been kind to this Skill, however, and much of the knowledge that Mankind's ancestors had in this area was worse than was lost. Men were forced to rediscover the art of Cartography on their own, a lesson that is still being relearned to this day. The life of a cartographer is always excitign, tough rarely financially rewarding. Those who work for great merchant-houses, however, find their skills in constant demand when paired with the skill of Navigation.

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Diary of Captain Tared Swift I (Lore)
  2. Length (Pheme)
  3. Cardinal (Pheme), Diary of Captain Tared Swift II (Lore)
  4. Accurate Accounting of Space (Spell)
  5. Diary of Mapman Liane Fresk II (Lore)
  6. Diary of Captain Tared Swift II (Lore)
  7. Breadth (Pheme)
  8. Diary of Mapman Liane Fresk III (Lore)
  9. Darbuna Xhin (Shop)
  10. Model Area (Spell)
  11. Expand Insight +1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Research Topic (Cartography)[]

Related Links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Luck

Climbing is basically this: the skill of going from ground level to somewhere else as quickly and efficiently as possible. It's not just about physical strength; it involves a head for heights, and a talent for finding handholds where handholds shouldn't be. One of the cornerstones of the successful explorer's career.

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Epic Song, Sea Wayfarer (Lore)
  2. Muscle (Pheme)
  3. Enhance (Pheme), From, the Games of Ancient Elumia (Lore)
  4. Cloud Monkey's Grip (Spell)
  5. Manoite Folklore (Lore)
  6. The Elumian Tree
  7. Duunish Legend of Duun Himself (Lore)
  8. From, Ecthian's Quest (Lore)
  9. Verticalism (Ability)
  10. Lost Spiders' Spire
  11. Expand Strength +1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Research Topic (Climb)[]

Related Links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Luck

The farily straightforward Skill of Knots is about tying and untying, binding and loosing - generally in very non-magical ways. Those looking to pack belongings for trips, be they explorative or mercantile, had best put forth some effort in this Skill, lest they find themselves short an item or two shortly after leaving home.

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Simple (Pheme)
  2. A Lonely Drifter Walks (Lore)
  3. Singleton's Stricture (Spell)
  4. Sonnet of the Trial (Lore)
  5. Bind (Pheme), Tangled Knots (Lore)
  6. Knots of a Very Different Physical Nature (Lore)
  7. Complex (Pheme)
  8. Tyson's Thorn (Spell)
  9. Load (Pheme)
  10. Pack Mule (Spell)
  11. Escape Artist Subskill Maximum + 1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Research Topic (Knots)[]

Related Links:[]

Seeking Friends in Hidden Places[]

Dominant Attribute: Luck

[New Skill as of DLC 6]

In the days when dragons were thick in the sky and the war for freedom seemed lost, King Morvidus and his army seemed suerly defeated. Delayed, lost, broken - all the other Kings and Queens of Man expected the worst. And then they appeared when least expected, reinforced in unexpected ways: a force of men and fearsome beasts that changed the tide of battle and gave humanity and its allies room to breathe. It's in the spirit of those days that College Morvidus hopes to live. They learn (or try to learn) to step outside the constraints of the predictable and to seek kindred souls in places people are not thought wise to go.

Training Levels and Unlocks[]

  1. An Exile's Prayer (Lore)
  2. Greet (Pheme)
  3. Wayfinder's Courtesy (Ability)
  4. Adaptation (Pheme)
  5. Ambassador to Beasts (Spell)
  6. The Good Lion's Cage
  7. Intrepid When Lost (Ability)
  8. A Note from a Ranger (Lore)
  9. Wayfinder's Resolve (Ability)
  10. Change to Survive (Spell)
  11. Expand Luck +1

Related Links:[]

Wilderness Survival[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

Wilderness Survival isn't a very hard skill to summarize: it's a collection of knowledge and techniques that would help you find water and shelter if you were ever alone in the woods with no wand and no friends.  It helps you prepare for bad weather that's still hours away, and helps you find food when the world seems to want you to starve.

[New Skill as of DLC 10]

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Old Campsite
  2. First Aid (Ability)
  3. Path (Pheme)
  4. Homing Instincts (Ability)
  5. Weather Awareness (Ability)
  6. Rangers' Waystation
  7. Rangers' Waystation Visitation Rights
  8. Forage (Action)
  9. Sing a Monster's Song (Action)
  10. Trailblazer's Luck (Spell)
  11. Expand Fitness +1

Related Links:[]
