Academagia Wiki

The Fix Pheme is frequently featured in arrangement designed to create a permanent magical effect; it also Increases one's Revision Methods by 1 point.

The Fix Pheme is used everywhere, from enchanted mortar and glue to wands and robes. When Time and Fix Phemes are used in high quantities, they can make an item's charges unlimited, though only a wizard well versed in Artifice and Orthography is capable of this feat. Interestingly, using the Fix Pheme in a spell targeting an item will expand the item's charges by 2 with each casting; this effect was explained by the wizard Jonnah Bawneth in a complex paper that few besides him could understand. The math was undeniable and the proof obvious, but because of its inaccessibility, the name of Jonnah Bawneth is never one likely to be discussed around the dinner table.

Difficulty: 2[]

Possible Effects[]

Spell Types[]

  • Fix (Magnitude = 2)
  • Enchant (Magnitude = 1)
  • Opposition Erasure (Magnitude = 2)

