The Frozen Gut Spell affects your target's Bluff (-3), Composure (-2), Gambling (-2) and Lie (-1) Subskills, and also inflicts 1-point penalties to all his or her Sneaky and Social Actions and Abilities. There are no rolls involved, and most Effects remain in place for two days.
- Decrease Gossip - Bluff
- Decrease Sleight-of-Hand - Composure
- Decrease Spy - Lie
- Decrease Malice - Gambling
- Increase Chance of Failure Sneak/Social Actions/Abilities
Action Types[]
- Affliction
- Hostile
Spell Types[]
- Air
- Ice
- Incantation
Duration: 12
Duel Cost: 0.75
Success Chance Magnitude: 95
Failure Chance Magnitude: 0