Made from material from animal skin and bones, gelatin goes through a several-weeks-long process of creation. Large vats and cauldrons are used to create huge bats of gelatin, which are then used to make items that include capsules. Because of the time and types of materials required, Gelatin Capsules are usually purchased instead of homemade; those who don't mind incredibly foul odors hanging around them for weeks or months at a time are more than welcome to try their hand at creating their own capsules...if they can find the raw materials, molds, aetherials, and cauldrons. Then again, perhaps it's just easier (and cheaper) to purchase the premade forms.
Item Type[]
Durability Type: Durable
Durability: 1
Size: 0
Concealability: 0
Worth: 1
Recipe Information[]
Quality: 3
Enchant Skill: Brew