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Baldassare Monetario

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Geometry is a skill of spatial reasoning, of understanding three dimensions as translated into a two dimensional format. The Skill of Geometry is the culmination of many other skills; as such, it can only be learned through the aspects of other, rather simpler skills.

Study Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Increase Relationship with random Student by 1
  2. Increase Relationship with Baldassare Monetario by 1
  3. Increase Relationship with random Student by 2
  4. +1 bonus to Insert False Proof (Action)
  5. Increase Relationship with Baldassare Monetario by 1
  6. Increase Relationship with random Student by 2
  7. Reduce to Shapes (Action)
  8. Narrow Focus: Geometry (Action)
  9. See in Three Dimensions (Ability)
  10. Study Mastery: Geometry

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. History of the Geometric Sorcery (Lore)
  2. Study Areas of the Geometric Art (Lore)
  3. Sketch out Problem (Ability)
  4. Even (Pheme), Coordinates in Common Ways, by Regan Ostell (Lore)
  5. Linear Sight (Ability)
  6. Intersect (Pheme).
  7. Insert False Proof (Action)
  8. Article, Philosophy of the Line (Lore)
  9. The Edlun Society Mission (Lore)
  10. Spatial Sight (Spell)
  11. Drafting Subskill maximum + 1

Research Topic (Geometry):[]

Related links[]


When rulers and warriors were not looking to the sky in search of Dragons, they found themselves fascinated by the wheeling and whirling of the stars in the heavens above. With the advent of parchment came the ability to record patterns in the sky, and with the desire to record patterns came the desire to understand and predict. The science of Astronomy was first said to have been born when Erazop the Wizened predicted the coming of a certain comet based on previous writings. When he was proven right, a whole host of rulers clamored for their own predictions and wise men, setting off a firestorm of investigation that still burns today.

Dominant Attribute: Intelligence

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. History of Astronomy (Lore)
  2. Adventures in Astronomy - Catalog (Shop)
  3. The Meaning of the Stars, by Olmun Edmon (Lore)
  4. The Observatory of Verus: Observation Windows
  5. Article on the Poem, The Heartless (Lore)
  6. Motion (Pheme)
  7. Disorientation (Pheme), Worlds Beyond, by Allen Phillistine (Lore)
  8. The Night's Eye, Merchant (Shop)
  9. The Choris Theory, by Belain Mortar (Lore)
  10. Verus' Star Chart
  11. Study Sky (Action)

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Astronomy)[]

Related links[]

Famous Geometry Problems[]

Those who have a greater foundation in Geometry than those who choose not to study will be able to perform greater spells and tricks at an earlier age. Those wishing to call themselves mathematicians will eventually gravitate towards this skill.

Dominant Attribute: Intelligence

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Doubling of the Cube (Lore)
  2. The Students and the Problems (Lore)
  3. The Topologist (Lore)
  4. The Old Ways of Symmetry, by Angus Omus (Lore)
  5. Arithmancy Guild Charter, on Arithmancy (Lore)
  6. Angular Displacement (Spell)
  7. Planar Displacement (Spell)
  8. Marcum's Sandpit
  9. Squaring a Triangle's Sides (Spell)
  10. Calculate the Size of the World (Action)
  11. Expand Insight

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Famous Geometry Problems)[]

Related links[]

Geometric Laws[]

Geometric Laws is exactly what it sounds like...the study of the laws of Geometry. Geometric Laws is the foundation for that which comes after, such as Trigonometry and Calculus; without sufficient knowledge of the laws of Geometry, many other mathematical skills will be forever out of reach.

Dominant Attribute: Intelligence

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. The Spatial Property, by Elin Matyr (Lore)
  2. Point (Pheme)
  3. Finite (Pheme), The Old Laws (Lore)
  4. Perpendicular Transferrence (Spell)
  5. Marcum's Square and Rectangle (Spell)
  6. The Galmon's Scripture (Lore)
  7. Infinite (Pheme), Answers of the Stars (Lore)
  8. Conservation (Spell)
  9. The Legacy of Orbal Gias, by Elin Matyr (Lore)
  10. Law of the Circular (Spell)
  11. Trigonometry Subskill maximum + 1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Geometric Laws)[]

Related links[]


Trigonometry is a skill of applied and theoretical mathematics, a blending of Geometry and Arithmetic that allows one to calculate angles and distances with minimal amounts of information. There is no true inventor of Trigonometry; instead, it is a Skill that was perfected over centuries by Professors, Engineers, Explorers, and Researchers.

Dominant Attribute: Intelligence

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Trigonometric Arithmancy, by Philis Ganni (Lore)
  2. Angle (Pheme), News Gods, New Communications (Lore)
  3. Triangular Myths (Lore)
  4. Perpendicular (Pheme), Coordinates in Common Ways, by Regan Ostell (Lore)
  5. Parallel (Pheme)
  6. Insight (Pheme)
  7. St. Delmore Steeple Plaque (Lore)
  8. Geometric Trap (Spell)
  9. Predictable Fortunes, by Jons Jhonass (Lore)
  10. Mind for Angles (Ability)
  11. Astronomy Skill Maximum + 1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Research Topic (Trigonometry):[]

Related Links:[]
