Region: Academagia Grounds[]
Chance of Discovery: 3[]
Queen Icanyke was a master of Gates, a wizard who could call forth all but the most primordial elements and shape them into creatures of her will. It has been said that Durand feared her, which is why he put his faith in steel and sinew rather than wands and wizards to defeat the dragons. Historians and scholars like to speculate on whether or not the Dragons would have had time to change the world had Durand followed Queen Icanyke’s advice rather than his own, but the point is obviously moot.
Abilities (Active)[]
Godina Park: Icanyke's Statue[]
A few hours spent at Icanyke’s Statue at Godina Park will Expand one's Intimidation and Famous Battles Subskills by 1 Step each.
- Expand Intimidation (+1 SS)
- Expand Famous Battles (+1 SS)
Discern Unspoken Whispers[]
A serious student of the history of the Second Captivity might - if he or she has a knack for lip-reading (Insight/Lip-Reading Roll v. 13) - gain some dangerous insights, and 1 Step in a random Gates Subskill, just from the way the shadows play around the statue's face. She can't possibly be speaking . . . can she?
Insight/Lip Reading Roll versus 13 results in the following:
- Expand Gates (?bugged?)
- Expand Random Gates Subskill (+3 SS)
Unlocked by[]
- Research Topic (The Second Captivity)