Sitting in class one day, the student behind you asks you to send on what he tells you.
He whispers a few choice and juicy so-called facts about another student, and laughs, and tells you to pass it to everyone you can reach before turning to the student beside him and starting the process over.
What he says sounds a lot like spreading gossip, which you're pretty sure is a bad idea, but maybe it's just a matter of perspective.
There are several students in listening range of you and they're waiting to see what all the fuss is about.
Do you pass on what you've learned?
- 1. Ignore the student.
Automatic: Expand Sabotage - Playfulness -1 SS, Expand Befriend - Temperance +1 SS
- 2. Intelligence/Observation vs 6: Look for guidance.
Success: Increase Heraldry - Diplomacy +1, Increase Rhetoric - Passion +1, choose again Failure: no effect, choose again
- 3. Intelligence/Gossip vs 5: Pass the message on.
Success: Expand Befriend - Conversation +1 SS Failure: Expand Gossip - Innuendo -1 SS
Success: Expand [player college] Merit + 1, Expand [random male student college] Merit -1, Expand [random male student] Relationship -1 Failure: Expand [player college] Merit -2
- 5. Intelligence/Passion vs 5: Turn around and tell the student that it's not right to gossip.
Success: Expand Society - Persuasion +1 SS Failure: Expand Stress +1