Academagia Wiki
Academagia Wiki


Region: The City of Mineta[]

Chance of Discovery: 15[]

In the Guard’s Armory Store Room, the recruiting guards are sometimes distracted by recruits who are looking to learn more about joining the guards.  If one is fast enough, they can hang around until a recruit shows up and then dash into the store room and check out their weapon of choice.  Only one’s deep knowledge of weapons lets them know how to observe the finest details something without having it show; otherwise, they’d look at the wrong thing and then…well, talk about time wasted!  


Guard's Armory: Store Room (Passive)[]

Visiting the Guard's Armory Store Room will give a person a major bump to their Weaponsmith (+4) and Forge (+3) Skills for the duration of his or her stay - but, even if you're careful, the chance of being discovered while lurking inside is dangerously high (15%).

Unlocked By[]
