Academagia Wiki


Region: Imperial Reserve[]

Chance of Discovery: 15[]

(reduced to 0 if in possession of Certificate of Imperial Favor)

It wouldn't be fair to say that the Emperor Sphinx knows everything, but it would be fair to say that she knows more about anything than any other living creature in the world… including Dragons. The Emperor Sphinx's history is unknown and is one of the topics that she is not terribly willing to discuss at length.

Those thinking of pushing the matter think three or four times when on the dangerous looking end of her razor sharp teeth. The Emperor Sphinx tolerates visitors, however, and is willing to talk with them about almost anything else. If you're looking to expand a skill that you already know about, her preferred meeting place - an old dining hall in the Imperial Palace - is the place to come, period.


Match Wits with the Emperor Sphinx (Active)[]

Matching Wits and Insights with the Emperor's Sphinx will -- if successful (on an Insight/Wit Roll v. 13) -- expand a totally random Skill, a Skill of your choice, and a Skill at which you've already been trained by 1 Step each. Do be aware that this Location isn't technically all that open to the public; the Sphinx probably won't reveal your presence Intentionally, but - usually - If you're spotted you're gone.

  • Expand Choice of Subskill - 1 SS
  • Expand Skill - Self/Random - 1 SS
  • Expand Skill - Random - 1 SS

Extensively consult with the Sphinx (Active)[]

That sald, If you've earned the Sphinx's respect (and visItation rights), you can Extensively Consult with the Sphinx. On successful (on an Intelligence/Dialectic Roll v. 13) -- expand a totally random Skill, a Skill of your choice, a Skill at which you've already been trained and random Malice subskill by 1 Step each. These discussions are extremely demanding though, and Inflict a point of Stress even if you fall the roll and learn nothing.

  • Expand Choice of Subskill - 1 SS
  • Expand Skill - Self/Random - 1 SS
  • Expand Skill - Random - 1 SS
  • Expand Skill - Malice subskill - 1 SS

Unlocked by[]
