Academagia Wiki
Lost Quiples (Event)
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Participants You
Date Athonos Juvenalia - Kaliri 28
Location The Sign of the Wand
Prerequisite Have no more than 200 pims

Just when you think you're going to go home empty handed, you notice two quiples lying on the floor. On your way out, you hear a young woman telling the shopkeeper that she had lost two quiples and she is certain she lost them in the store.


1. Keep the money and leave.

Automatic: Expand Composure +1 SS, Conduct Reprimand from Orso Orsi

2. Insight/Character Study vs 7: Is the young woman lying or telling the truth?

Success: Increase Character +3, choose again
Failure: no effect, choose again

3. Luck/Character vs 5: Return the money.

Success: Expand Character +1 SS, Expand pims +20
Failure: Expand Character +1 SS, Expand Stress +1

4. Charm/Lie vs 6: Give back a single Malin and see if you can bluff your way through.

Success: Expand Lie +1 SS, Expand pims +25
Failure: Conduct Reprimand from Orso Orsi

5. Intelligence/Negation vs 6: Cast a spell to make it easier to take your find and run.

Success: Expand Negation Spells +1 SS, Expand Stress +1
Failure: Expand Stress +1