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An adventure with Mairgrete Strakley.  The adventure requires at least 5 actions, a successful adventurer will gain a point of Charm or Luck.

Stage 1: Mairgrete's Missing Familiar[]

Phase 1: The missing familiar[]

  • 1. A Friend's Promise
 Automatic: Advance to phase 2

Phase 2: A pride to belong to.[]

  • 1. Sleuthing.  Search in the garden  (Roll vs =< no more than 20)
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

  • 2. Research.  Maybe the library can help? (Roll vs =< no more than 23)
 Success: ?
 Failure: choose again.

  • 3. Famous Songs.  You decide to search the grounds - in as friendly a manner as you can manage. (Roll vs =< no more than 15)
 Success: +1 Famous Songs SS, access to Stage 2.
 Failure: -1 Famous Songs, pause adventure.

Stage 2: Joining the pride[]

  • 1. Research.  Find a book to help (Roll =< no more than 24)
 Success: ? opens option 4, choose again
 Failure: ?

  • 2. Perfumes.  Use an herbal mixture to affect her scent (Roll vs =< 10)
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

  • 3. Brew.  Brew a potion (Roll vs =< 13 or more)
 Success: +1 Chemistry SS, access to stage 3.
 Failure: ?

  • 4. Concentration.  Use the new spell (Roll vs =< no more than 15)
 Success: Gain old hidden notebook, access to stage 3.
 Failure: ?

Stage 3: Cat-sized girl[]

  • 1. Research.  Learn an illusion-based spell.  (Roll =< no more than 24)
 Success: +? Glamour ? SS, access to stage 4.
 Failure: ?

  • 2.  Logic.  How big should a cat be?  (Roll vs =< no more than 19)
 Success: +33% chance of success, choose again
 Failure: ?

  • Brew.  Brew something to modify her size. (Roll =< 7)
 Success: access to stage 4.
 Failure: ?

Stage 4: Cat Class[]

  • 1. Planning.  Help Mairgrete to "catch" the quarry (Roll =< 15)
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

  • 2. Persuasion.  Offer to scout  (Roll vs =< 22)
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

  • 3. Mammals.  What are the cats hunting?  (Roll vs =< no more than 14)
 Success: +33% chance of success, choose again.
 Failure: ?

  • 4. Patience.  Hang back and let the other cats take up the lead roles  (Roll vs =< 10)
 Success: +2 patience SS, access to stage 5.
 Failure: ?

Stage 4: Shadowy Intruder[]

  • 1. Perception.  What could be lurking in the Shadows (Roll =< no more than 11)
 Success: Temporarily increase Observation SS by 2, choose again
 Failure: ?

  • 2. Phemes.  Strike at the strange creature yourselves. (Roll vs =< 15)
 Success: 2 relationship Mairgrete Strakley, access stage 5.
 Failure: -2 observation, -1 merit, pause adventure.

  • 3. Danger Sense.  Inform the pride and let them handle it.  (Roll vs =< 26)
 Success: +? Danger Sense SS, access stage 5.
 Failure: ?

  • 4. Observation.  Blind the creature and let the cats do the rest. (Roll vs =< 23 )
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

Stage 5: Leader of the Pride[]

  • 1. Etiquette.  How do you greet the pride's leader? (Roll =< no more than 15)
 Success: +33% chance of success, choose again.
 Failure: ?

  • 2. Patience.  Stall for time.  your appearance should revert to normal soon. (Roll vs =< 11)
 Success: +3 Relationship Mairgrete Strakley, +1 Charm. Conclude adventure.
 Failure: ?

  • 3. Escape Artist.  Distract the cats. (Roll vs =< more than 7)
 Success: ?
 Failure: ?

  • 4. Befriend.  Risk the dangers of the woods and leave before tensions rise. (Roll vs =< more than 17 )
 Success: +?, +1 Luck, Conclude adventure.
 Failure: ?