Class: Incantation
First Year Exams: 3 Cheimare, 20 Kaliri
Detention Subjects[]
The Professor doesn’t look unkempt so much as...unfinished. She always appears to be waiting for a chance to do something, anything...which is fitting considering her position. She’s a solid all around magician — but cannot escape the look and general impression that there’s something she’s forgotten to do.
Her students find her to know just enough to answer questions, but not enough to sound convincingly like an authority.
1 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +1
- Expand +1 SS:
- Random Astrology Subskill
- Random Glamour Subskill
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
- Random Revision Subskill
2 Favor[]
- Expand +2 SS:
- The History of Magic
- Puzzles
- Random Astrology
- Random Glamour
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation
- Random Revision
3 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +3
- Expand Parental Approval +15
- Expand +3 SS:
- Flowers
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Astrology Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
- Random Enspell Subskill
4 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +4
- Expand Parental Approval +20
- Expand Stress -4
- Expand +4 SS:
- Properties of Arithmetic
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Enchant Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
- Random Glamour Subskill
5 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +5
- Expand Parental Approval +25
- Expand Stress -5
- Expand +5 SS:
- Confidence
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
6 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +6
- Expand Parental Approval +30
- Expand +6 SS:
- Concentration
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
- Random Enspell Subskill
7 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +7
- Expand Parental Approval +35
- Expand Stress -7
- Expand +7 SS:
- Materials Knowledge
- Random Befriend Subskill
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
8 Favor[]
- Expand Merit +8
- Expand Parental Approval +40
- Expand +1 Skill Level:
- Random Befriend Subskill
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Enspell Subskill
9 Favor[]
- Expand Chance of Success - Incantation Spells +1%
- Expand Merit +9
- Expand Parental Approval +45
- Expand +2 Skill Level:
- Random Befriend Subskill
- Random Incantation Subskill
- Random Negation Subskill
- Random Society Subskill
10 Favor[]
- Expand Chance of Success - Incantation Spells +2%
- Expand Chance of Discovery -2%
- Expand Merit +10
- Expand Parental Approval +50
- Expand Random Incantation Subskill +3 SL
- Raise maximum Level [Random Incantation Subskill] +1
Adventures that can improve one's Relationship with Prof. Knoht: