Academagia Wiki

Mastery is one of the two proscribed Pillars of Magic, a body of spellcraft totally devoted to overwhelming the will of other human beings and reshaping them as slaves, or drones, or simple mindless shells. It's power of the most corrosive kind; the school doesn't teach it, and will punish it if it's seen.

  • Mastery is one of two subjects of Forbidden Lore, the other being Gates. Event and Adventure choices requiring either Skill or any of their Subskills will not be shown to characters lacking such knowledge.

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

Levels and unlocks:[]

  1. Confusion (Pheme)
  2. Fulfill Need (Spell)
  3. Hostis (Pheme), "Treatise by Professor Finus Piaxenza" (Lore), "Dangerous Magic, by Honno Restiffian" (Lore)
  4. "Excerpt from a Treatise by Prof. Finus Piaxenza" (Lore)
  5. "Excerpt from Academagia's Student Handbook" (Lore)
  6. Overt (Pheme), "Reign of The Puppet Strings, by Ellia Zeehl" (Lore)
  7. Counter Knowledge (Action)
  8. Hypnotize (Action)
  9. Steal Merit (Action)
  10. Master (Spell)
  11. Total Control (Action)

Related links[]

Mastery Methods[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

Mastery Methods is a skill that encompasses everything from folk wisdom to tips about wand technique; it's not as easily defined as Mastery Phemes or Mastery Spells, but as a line of study it's no less important if you really mean to seize control of your fellow human beings.

Training Levels and unlocks:[]

  1. Amicita (Pheme), "Tales of Mastery: On the Subject of Love" (Lore)
  2. Mineta Docks: Loading Station (Location)
  3. "The Dangers of Mastery: The Burning Desire" (Lore)
  4. Academagia: Hives (Location)
  5. "To Control, by The Marquis Wutant" (Lore)
  6. Quiescent (Pheme)
  7. Panic Attack (Spell)
  8. "Master of What?, by Chisholm Sectalt" (Lore)
  9. Greed (Pheme)
  10. Helper (Spell)
  11. Mastery Spells maximum Subskill Level +1

Related links[]

Mastery Phemes[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

The study of Mastery Phemes - as with the study of any linked set of Phemes - is an attempt to assemble all the building blocks of a group of known, effective spells, and to find ways to tweak other spells to specific (in this case, more Mastery-related) ends.  Without this skill, you simply won't have the vocabulary to make most Mastery magic work.

Levels and unlocks:[]

  1. Fade (Pheme)
  2. Suggest (Pheme)
  3. Fierce (Pheme)
  4. Fear (Pheme), "To Control: Displays of Control" (Lore)
  5. Disorientation (Pheme), "Mastery of What?: Masters of Nothing" (Lore)
  6. Terror (Pheme), "The Dangers of Mastery: Biggest Danger" (Lore)
  7. Command (Pheme)
  8. Sedentary (Pheme)
  9. Zenith (Pheme), "Tales of Mastery: Nobiott’s Tale" (Lore)
  10. Impose (Pheme)
  11. Order (Pheme)

Research Topic (Mastery Phemes):[]

  • Level 10 raises maximum Subskill Level +1

Related links[]

Mastery Spells[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

Mastery Spells are, of course, the most complicated and dramatic results of the study of Mastery as a whole.  This skill set, more than any other, shows you how to string Phemes together in order to overwhelm a target's senses and stomp down his or her own judgment.

Levels and unlocks:[]

  1. "Proof of Mastery's Evil, by Herstok Vladik" (Lore)
  2. Lose Focus (Spell)
  3. "From Belfin Massast's Tales of Mastery" (Lore)
  4. Anger Others (Spell)
  5. "Do You Really Need to Cast That?, on Mastery" (Lore)
  6. Throw Competition (Spell)
  7. "To Control: The Allure of Being Under Control" (Lore)
  8. Confuse (Spell)
  9. Empty Pockets (Spell)
  10. Induce Coma (Spell)
  11. Freedom (Pheme), Seal Against Mastery (Spell)

Related links[]

Theory of Mastery[]

Dominant Attribute: Fitness

First things first - Mastery and all things related to Mastery are Proscribed; those caught messing in these areas will be punished accordingly.  That having been said, if one can get past the potentially nasty consequences, the Theory of Mastery is a handy thing to study - difficult to understand, to be sure, but for those with the proper amount of patience, great rewards can be reaped (from other people) for time spent here.  

Levels and unlocks:[]

  1. Ignorance (Pheme), "Theory of Mastery SL I" (Lore)
  2. Stupidity (Spell), Rejection (Pheme)
  3. "Theory of Mastery SL II" (Lore)
  4. Magic (Pheme), "Theory of Mastery SL III" (Lore)
  5. Grant (Pheme)
  6. "Theory of Mastery SL IV" (Lore)
  7. Spill Secrets (Spell)
  8. Mastery of Body (Spell)
  9. Control (Pheme), "Theory of Mastery SL V" (Lore)
  10. Gift (Spell)
  11. Mastery Methods maximum Skill Level +1

Related links[]

How to unlock Mastery[]

  • Any Action/Ability that Expands a completely random Subskill includes Mastery Subskills in its range of possibility - this is of course the least reliable method, but also the least complicated if you have the luck/patience to reload a save until finally stumbling over that < 2%. (even < 0.5% if you're after a specific one!)
  • Bassan 3+ opens up the Language Skills Adventure, the final reward for which can be a book which Informs all Mastery Subskills.
  • Flowers 4+ or ... (other requirements are currently unknown) unlocks An Outing..., which will Expand Theory of Mastery by 1 or possibly 2 SS.
    • Be warned, however, that one [easily avoidable] outcome of that Adventure will impose a 90% chance of failure for mastery spells.
  • Mastery Phemes 11 unlocks the Order Pheme, which (when correctly used) Increases Mastery Spells and Mastery Methods, either/both of which can be permanently Informed if Expanded while the attached Spell is in effect.
    • Mastery Phemes 11 requires its own Research Topic to be at Level 10, but the requirement to unlock that topic is currently unknown
  • Research 10, exploration of the Academagia or concluding The Wasting Sickness can Inform the Forbidden Archives, which unlocks the Study Mastery Ability. This will expand a random Mastery Subskill by 1 SS - but has a Chance of Discovery of 17.
  • Exploration of the City of Mineta might reveal The Slipped Crown, along with an Ability that yields +1 SS to three Random Mastery Subskills.
    • Be warned that it's possible to "intrude" upon the location (details unknown - random Event?) and lock yourself out of the Ability; the location has a Chance of Discovery of 26; and visiting results in Bad Things in addition to the Skill Expansions.
  • The Middle Empire 11 will Inform Theory of Mastery Subskill
  • The Rat Familiar's solo Adventure offers an amulet that adds 3 to Mastery Methods.
  • Just Another Day in Mineta has a Mastery Spells check which is not hidden to a character with no knowledge of the skill (probably a bug), which can be 'exploited' to Inform the Subskill (at the cost of very likely failing the check and preventing completion of the Adventure).