Academagia Wiki
Olivia in the Library (Event)
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Vital statistics
Participants You, Olivia Solari
Date Athonos Juvenalia - Kaliri 28
Location The Room of Records
Prerequisite Relationship with Olivia Solari less than 4, not in the same clique

Midway through a particularly dense paragraph you frown and pause. You flip back a few pages, trying to pinpoint exactly why you feel as though something is amiss.

Something's up, you're sure of it. Maybe Olivia Solari's misbehaving, or maybe she's seen something strange, but either way you need to be alert.


1. Luck/Danger Sense vs 5: Something's wrong. Use your skills of deduction.

Success: Increase Confidence +1 SL, Increase Practical Jokes +1 SL
Failure: no effect, choose again

2. Insight/Confidence vs 3: Trust that nothing is wrong and continue as you were.

Success: Expand Relationship with Olivia Solari +1
Failure: Reduce Collegiate Merit -2

3. Insight/Practical Jokes vs 3: Maybe there was some foul play; inspect your tools.

Success: Expand Awareness +1 SS
Failure: Reduce Collegiate Merit -2

4. Insight/Dedication vs 4: Inspect your work for any changes.

Success: Expand Study Habits +1 SS
Failure: Expand Stress +1