A quick strike into an opponent's territory is often though of as a raid. While this is true, there are other forms of raiding that are equally destructive and effective, and it is these things that are brought together under the banner of the Skill of Raid. Those who learn how to raid will learn how to channel certain elements and destroy that which their opponent holds dear, all while maintaining a reasonable semblance of neutrality. A proper raid will cause little damage to one's own reputation, but an effective raid will cause damage to one's opponent regardless.
Dominant Attribute: Strength
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Create Distraction (Action)
- Attack (Pheme), Raid I (Lore)
- Discover (Pheme), Raid II (Lore)
- Lightning (Pheme)
- Essence of Speed (Spell)
- Throw Lightning (Spell)
- Obliterate (Pheme)
- Fear (Pheme), Raid III (Lore)
- Raid Dormitory (Action)
- Meskenburg’s ‘Gate’
- Destroy Item (Action)
Research Topic (Raid):[]
- to unlock: Inform Fort Anreh
- at Level 10: Expand Strength +1
Related Links:[]
- Abilities - Raid
- Actions - Raid
- Expand - Raid
- Items - Raid
- Locations - Raid
- Phemes - Raid
- Spells - Raid
Drive Carriage[]
Dominant Attribute: Strength
Drive Carriage is the skill of...well...driving a carriage. While it sounds simple, driving a carriage actually requires a strong arm and a quick mind, for one must consider various things such as road conditions, hazards, weight & balance, and so on, all while maintaining control of a team of horses.
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Godina Park: Carriage Station
- Hydration (Pheme), Tales of the Realm (Lore)
- Drive (Pheme)
- The Carriage Driver, from Memoirs of Baron Midian (Lore)
- Blinders (Spell)
- Unleash (Pheme), Shen Te’s Battle Tactics: The Driver (Lore)
- Willy G. Thornton II (Shop)
- Hilfragger's Stable of Fine Horses (Lore)
- A Description of the Whip (Lore)
- Mineta Transportation Services
- Via Vele Alleys
How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]
- Research Topics : Drive Carriage 10
Research Topic (Drive Carriage):[]
- to unlock: Inform Godina Park: Carriage Station
- at Level 10: maximum Subskill Level +1
Related Links:[]
- Abilities - Drive Carriage
- Actions - Drive Carriage
- Expand - Drive Carriage
- Items - Drive Carriage
- Locations - Drive Carriage
- Phemes - Drive Carriage
- Spells - Drive Carriage
Navigation is simply the skill of finding your way from the place you are to a place you want to be. Many of its applications in the modern world come in travel from island to island, where stars are the only landmarks, but it's also an incredibly useful skill to have if you expect to find yourself in the woods or making your way along mountain paths.
Dominant Attribute: Strength
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Night and Day, Seafarer Verse (Lore)
- Orient (Pheme)
- Disorientation (Pheme), Early Empires, on the Manoite (Lore)
- Cardinal (Pheme), The Navy Navigator (Lore)
- Lose Bearings (Spell)
- Attuned to Surroundings (Spell)
- Negate (Pheme), Item: Compass (Lore)
- Surprise (Pheme)
- Shen Te's Treacherous Terrain (Lore)
- Imperial Palace: Hall of Elumia
- Illichio's Additional Needs, Catalog
How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]
- Research Topics: Navigation 10
- to unlock: Inform Imperial Palace: Hall of Elumia
- at Level 10: maximum Subskill Level +1
Related Links:[]
- Abilities - Navigation
- Actions - Navigation
- Expand - Navigation
- Items - Navigation
- Locations - Navigation
- Phemes - Navigation
- Spells - Navigation
Pure Luck[]
Luck is, to some degree, predetermined by the conditions into which you're born, and by the manner in which you live your life.That said: you're a wizard, and you're in touch wtih cosmic forces that other people will never know. You're capable (if only occasionally) of consciously bending lines of probability in your favor; all you have to do is work at it. That's what "Pure Luck" is all about.
Dominant Attribute: Luck
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Luck (Pheme)
- Manoite Proverb on Luck (Lore)
- Hostis (Pheme), Shen-Te's Teachings (Lore)
- Fortune's Choice (Spell)
- Epic Poem, Ben-Dael (Lore)
- Deristus' Journal (Lore)
- Amplify (Pheme)
- Odds Breaker (Ability)
- Entirety (Pheme)
- Holy Writ of St. Eloisha (Lore)
- Seven Favors (Spell)
How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]
- Research Topics : Pure Luck 10
Research Topic (Pure Luck):[]
- to unlock: Inform Callo's Tavern
- at Level 10: maximum Subskill Level +1
Related Links:[]
- Abilities - Pure Luck
- Actions - Pure Luck
- Expand - Pure Luck
- Items - Pure Luck
- Locations - Pure Luck
- Phemes - Pure Luck
- Spells - Pure Luck
Riding is the skill you call upon when you climb on an animal's back (or its neck, its head, or even its claws, depending on the creature in question) and try to encourage it to take you where you want to go. You need it to keep your balance, and you need it to direct your steed along the paths you choose.
In an age of carriages and flying carpets, the skill has somewhat fallen out of fashion - particularly in cities like Mineta, where municipal efforts to keep the streets clean are actually quite stringent - but there really are times when "civilized" modes of transport just aren't available - or aren't desirable.
Dominant Attribute: Strength
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Notice on School Bulletin Board About Riding Club (Lore)
- Chyte Racing Fields
- School Newspaper Ad for a Horse for Sale (Lore)
- Native to the Saddle (Ability)
- Poem Extolling the Virtue of Horses (Lore)
- Excerpt from Document About a General's Horse (Lore)
- Animal (Pheme)
- Fairy Tale About a Horse Who Could Talk (Lore)
- Steedblight (Spell)
- Sense of the Track (Spell)
- Animal Husbandry Skill Maximum + 1
How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]
- Research Topics: Riding 10
Research Topic (Riding):[]
- to unlock: Inform Stables of Edon-Arain: Horse Stables
- at Level 10: maximum Subskill Level +1
Related Links:[]
- Abilities - Riding
- Actions - Riding
- Expand - Riding
- Items - Riding
- Locations - Riding
- Phemes - Riding
- Spells - Riding
Tactics is a Skill that gets one what they want. Strategy is a Skill of how one plans to go about getting what they want, but without Tactics, a strategy is naught but a gauzy dream.
Dominant Attribute: Strength
Training Levels and Unlocks:[]
- Overt (Pheme)
- Air (Pheme), Tactics I (Lore)
- Covert (Pheme)
- Balance (Pheme), Tactics II (Lore)
- Obscure (Pheme), Tactics III (Lore)
- Flank Attack (Spell)
- Dispel (Pheme), Tactics IV (Lore)
- Center Mass (Spell)
- Terror (Pheme), Foresight (Pheme), Tactics V (Lore)
- Panic Attack (Spell)
- Strategy Skill Maximum + 1
How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]
- Research Topics: Tactics 10
Research Topic (Tactics):[]
- to unlock: Inform The Museum of War
- at Level 10: maximum Subskill Level +1