Academagia Wiki


Region: The City of Mineta[]

Chance of Discovery: 5[]

The Reading Society Room belongs to a group several decades shy of being called ancient; regardless of their description, the group is venerable enough to have a high reputation for those who have learned of their existence. The Reading society does not bother with those it considers 'unlearned'; considering how few people study the classics anymore, it should come as no surprise that the group's numbers are dwindling rapidly. Well aware of their problem, the Reading Society has decided that it would be better to dissolve their society altogether rather than dilute their standards. Perhaps the Soclety's numbers could improve if someone in this day and age could come up with an epic people enjoyed reading, but until then, the members in this room will continue read the classics with an eye towards the past and a sense of dread towards the future.


Read at the Reading Room (Active):[]

The Reading Room may have cultural significance. It may even have political significance. It's surprisingly easy to forget that it's also a wonderfully comfortable place to sit and read; spending a few hours in the embrace of its collection will Expand your command of the Elumian language by a Skill Step, and will reduce your Stress by 3 steps.

Unlocked By[]
