Academagia Wiki

Someone skilled at Research knows where to look for information, how to gather said information quickly, and how to work around all the ways in which it all might be concealed. Researchers are code-breakers, trailblazers of libraries, and students of organizational systems designed by madmen and sages. These are good skills for dedicated students to learn.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

--Not to be confused with Research (Action)--

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. The Venalicium Library: Help Desk
  2. Put to Paper (Action)
  3. Research SP I (Lore)
  4. Research Family Lines (Action)
  5. Omni (Pheme), Research SP II (Lore)
  6. Intelligence (Pheme). Research SP IV (Lore)
  7. Entirety (Pheme), Research SP III (Lore)
  8. Research Monster (Action)
  9. Research SP V (Lore)
  10. Deep Research (Ability), The Venalicium Library: Forbidden Archives
  11. Expand Intelligence

Research Topic (Research)[]

Related links[]


Scholars have debated long and hard over the centuries that Cryptology is actually the orginal intention for writing instead of the stated desire to pass along information to future generations. Instead of passing information along indiscriminately, these scholars argue that letters and symbols were created so that knowledge might be passed on to only those who were considered worthy of said information as opposed to all who were capable of learning the new symbols. Since the arrival of the New Gods at Elumia, Man has engaged in a race to keep secrets secret; the story of this race should be considered the story of Cryptology itself.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. The Tranquil Keeper Juilya (Lore)
  2. Sequential (Pheme)
  3. Professor Storey's Office: Professor's Desk
  4. Insight (Pheme), Holding Back the Name (Lore)
  5. Skip (Pheme)
  6. Reveal (Pheme), A Dreary Day for the Lone Man (Lore)
  7. Jumble Letters (Spell)
  8. A Few More Vagrant Thoughts (Lore)
  9. Oliba's Reading (Spell)
  10. The Ministry of Substitution and Transposition (Location)
  11. Filing Subskill maximum + 1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Cryptology)[]

Related links[]

Decipher Handwriting[]

Dominant Attribute: Insight

When magic was added into the production of ink, the possibility of parchment and scrolls lasting (nearly) forever was realized.  With this revolution, it became possible for anyone who had a thought, no matter how pointless or mundane, to put stylus to parchment and record said thought.  Unfortunately, most people who can write do so poorly…or at least, they did so before the standardization of letters and numbers in 833.  After that, anyone who wrote poorly did so either because they were lazy or hurried, but not because they were in any way uneducated about the proper way to shape their letters and numbers.  Those who wish to pursue a higher education in research and history had best become used to squinting at old parchments and scrolls, and those who spend enough time doing this may as well learn to decipher the terrible handwriting as soon as they can.  

Training Levels and Unlocks[]

  1. The Ignatorious Quill (Lore)
  2. Desina and Thorgas (Lore)
  3. Academagia: Professor's Lounge (replaced by Handwriting Awareness (Ability) by DLC 15)
  4. Inform Clique Ability of Random Student
  5. Align (Pheme)
  6. Understanding (Pheme), The Slopes of Writing (Lore)
  7. Monteon Steel (Item)
  8. Camouflage (Pheme)
  9. Lift Knowledge (Spell)
  10. Cryptology Skill Maximum + 1
  11. Expand Random Gates Subskill + 1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Decipher Handwriting)[]

Related links[]


Once called "categorically boring" by Thumaget b'Drawl, the Skill of Filing is more than the ability to put one piece of parchment in front of the's the Skill of organization, categorization, intellectual refinement, and, of course, putting one piece of parchment in front of the other. Filing is not considered glamourous by any means, but it is considred necessary if one wishes to advance their understanding of Library Knowledge and Research as a whole. The good news for those hwo study Filing is this: learning to file is easy, so expanding one's knowledge in this Skill is equally simple.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Notes of a Filer I (Lore)
  2. Organize (Pheme)
  3. Logic (Pheme), Notes of a Filer II (Lore)
  4. Epic: Kensab the Ilician (Item)
  5. Notes of a Filer III (Lore)
  6. Inform [Recipe for] Violin (Item)
  7. Whole (Pheme), Notes of a Filer V (Lore)
  8. Notes of a Filer IV (Lore)
  9. Sense of Systems (Ability)
  10. Organized Mind (Spell)
  11. Library Knowledge Skill Maximum + 1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Filing)[]

Related links[]

Library Knowledge[]

There are many libraries in Elumia ranging from 'proper' libraries to 'improper' libraries. Those which have funding and backing of a government or institution are usually better kept than those which do not, but this does make an unkempt library nay less of a least, not to one who knows what a place of learning is all about.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

Can be acquired from reaching Study Habits 3

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Efficient Research (Ability)
  2. He, From the Grand Wizardly Army (Lore)
  3. The Library of Longshade (Location)
  4. One's Duty to Truth (Lore)
  5. Structure (Pheme), Years Ago, a Poem (Lore)
  6. The Library of the Mantle of Stars (Location), Expand Filing +1 SL
  7. Clue (Pheme)
  8. Inspirational Thinking (Spell)
  9. The Library of Manetele (Location)
  10. Imperial Palace: Emperor Sphinx's Room (Location)
  11. Elumian Subskill Level maximum +1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Library Knowledge)[]

Related links[]
