Academagia Wiki
Scenes From Dialectic Class
Prerequisites : Enrolled in Dialectic
Begin Date : Unknown
End Date : Unknown
Days : 10
ModTools Name : Scenes from a Dialectic Class
Roll Levels : Unknown
Automatic Benefits : Intelligence, Dialectic Study Level & Extra Credit
Possible Benefits : Unknown

Scenes from Dialectic Class (1)[]

What is truth?[]

  • "It's whatever I say it is."
Automatic:  Expand Confidence +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • Stare blankly at him until he calls on someone else.
Automatic:  Relationship with Tarvixio Sido -1, pause Adventure
  • "It's a higher principle. An ideal."
Automatic:  Expand Famous Dilemmas +1 SS, Expand Theology +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • "It's what you say when you can't think of a good lie"
Automatic:  +1 Merit, Expand Wit +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • "It's the most accurate description you can make of whatever the subject is."
Automatic:  Expand First Principles +1 SS, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (2)[]

  • Nap.
Automatic:  Stress -1, Expand Study Habits -1 SS, pause Adventure
  • Wit. Ask him a question. (roll v. ~6)
Success:  Dialectic Extra Credit +1, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1, pause Adventure
Failure:  Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1, pause Adventure
  • Study Habits. Write down everything he says, just in case. (roll v. 3 at most)
Success:  Expand Drafting +1 SS, Expand Dedication +1 SS, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (3)[]

The Code Duello[]

  • Actually, that sounds pretty cool.
Automatic:  Relationship with Vincent Warrender +1, pause Adventure
  • Deceit. Pretend you have a sore throat. (roll v. ?)
Success:  Expand Lie +1 SS, pause Adventure
Failure:  Relationship with Tarvixio Sido -1, pause Adventure
  • Debate. Yeah, but... (roll v. =< 5)
Success:  +2 Merit, Relationship with Vincent Warrender +1, pause Adventure
Failure:  Relationship with Vincent Warrender -1, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (4)[]

  • Keep your head down.
Automatic:  Expand Bassan +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • The Early Empire. Talk a little about the Bassan-speaking territories before the modern age. (roll v. =< 8)
Automatic?:  Expand Storytelling +1 SS, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1, pause Adventure
  • Bassan. Talk about the language, and what it might reveal about the way people think. (roll v. ?)
Success?:  Expand Confidence +1 SS, Expand Minetan Swagger +1 SS, pause Adventure

Failure: Decrease Confidence -1 SS

Scenes from Dialectic Class (5)[]

  • You know what? The sky is blue.
Automatic:  Expand Temperance -1 SS, pause Adventure
Automatic?:  Expand Deceit +1 SS, Expand Lie +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • Wit. How does she know that what she sees as blue you don't see as green? (roll v. =< 8)
Automatic?:  Expand Bluff +1 SS, Relationship with Honors Plafox +1, pause Adventure
  • "It's cloudy outside."

Scenes from Dialectic Class (6)[]

  • Listen. Professor Sido's not likely to quiz you on this, so there's no need for writing. Just sit back and pay attention. (roll v. ?)
Automatic?:  Expand Famous Geometry Problems +1 SS, Relationship with Evdokseia Valenta +1, pause Adventure
  • Study Habits. Take notes like your life depends on them. (roll v. ?)
Automatic?:  Expand Famous Geometry Problems +1 SS, Expand Logic +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • Acting. Pretend to take notes, but actually doodle. (roll v. ?)
Success: Illustration +1 SS

Scenes from Dialectic Class (7)[]

  • "I am the sexiest creature ever born."
Automatic:  Expand Playfulness +1 [SS?], pause Adventure
  • "Flore rules!"
Automatic:  Relationship with Flore Yveuillet +1, pause Adventure
Automatic?:  +3 Merit, Expand Confidence +1, pause Adventure
  • Temperance. "This class is worthwhile." (roll v. ?)
Automatic?:  Expand Wit +1 SS, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (8)[]

  • Nap.
Automatic:  -2 Merit, -1 Stress, pause Adventure
  • Study Habits. Just get the work done quickly and well. (roll v. ?)
Automatic?:  Expand Stress +1, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1, pause Adventure
  • Spend the class joking with Jere.
Automatic:  Expand Playfulness +1 S[S?], Expand Study Habits -1 SS, Relationship with Jere Niemela +1, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (9)[]

  • It was the right call.
Automatic:  Expand Reason +1 S[S?], pause Adventure
  • It was an overreaction.
Automatic:  Expand Passion +1 S[S?], pause Adventure
  • Wait a second, and see if anyone else speaks up.
    • Flore is exactly right.
       Automatic:  Expand Intrigue +1 SS, Relationship with Flore Yveuillet +1, pause Adventure
    • Flore is amazingly cynical.
       Automatic:  Expand Politics +1 SS, pause Adventure
  • Keep your mouth shut.
Automatic:  Expand Listen +1, pause Adventure

Scenes from Dialectic Class (10)[]

Automatic?:  Expand Intelligence +1, Dialectic Study Level +1, Dialectic Extra Credit +3, conclude Adventure