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Scenes from Dialectic Class (1)

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What is truth?

  1. "It's whatever I say it is" (Confidence +1)
  2. Stare blankly at him until he calls on someone else (Relationship with Tarvixio Sido -1)
  3. "It's a higher principle. An ideal." (Famous Dilemmas +1, Theology +1)
  4. "It's what you say when you can't think of a good lie" (Wit +1, Merit +1)
  5. "It's the most accurate description you can make of whatever the subject is." (First Principles +1, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1)

Scenes from Dialectic Class (2)

  1. Nap (Stress -1, Study Habits -1)
  2. Wit. Ask him a question. (Dialectic Extra Credit +1, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1)
  3. Study Habits. Write down everything he says, just in case. (Drafting +1, Dedication +1)

Scenes from Dialectic Class (3)

The Code Duello

  1. Actually, that sounds pretty cool. (Relationship with Vincent Warrender +1)
  2. Deceit. Pretend you have a sore throat. (Lie +1)
  3. Debate. Yeah, but... (Merit +2, Relationship with Vincent Warrender +1)

Scenes from Dialectic Class (4)

  1. Keep your head down (Bassan +1)
  2. The Early Empire. Talk a little about the Bassan-speaking territories before the modern age. (Storytelling +1, Relationship with Tarvixio Sido +1)
  3. Bassan. Talk about the language, and what it might reveal about the way people think. (Confidence +1, Minetan Swagger +1)

Scenes from Dialectic Class (5)

  1. You know what? The sky is blue. (Temperance -1)
  2. Persuasion. The sky is orange. (Deceit +1, Lie +1)
  3. Wit. How does she know that what she sees as blue you don't see as green? (Bluff +1, Relationship with Honors Plafox +1)