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Academagia Wiki

Sleight-of-Hand is the skill of the quick grab, the distracting feint. It's two parts dexterity and one part just knowing how to hold your head up and smile even while your hand is moving closer to your wand.

Dominant Attribute: Finesse

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Perfecting Thievery (Lore)
  2. Water (Pheme), WhipLite (Lore)
  3. Dexterous (Pheme)
  4. Sense of Timing (Ability)
  5. Air (Pheme), Darcher's Rhyme (Lore)
  6. Loose Change (Action)
  7. Blurry Fingers (Spell)
  8. Hostis (Pheme), Book Review: Timing (Lore)
  9. Lift Item (Action)
  10. Pick Pocket (Action)
  11. Random Calligraphy Skill Maximum + 1

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Tumbling, rolling, diving, and balancing...all these things are inexplicably related to the Skill of Acrobatics. Some wizards scorn the needs of the body and therefore ignore this Skill and others of its ilk; those who wish to do more with their lives should consider scorning those wizards instead and spending some time working on their physical abilities. Many of the simple things one will encounter in their day belong to the realm of Acrobatics. If a wizard is willing to accept being less than they can be, then by all means, they should ignore this Skill. Those wishing to do more, go more places, and see & discover more things than their contemporaries should put some time here.

Dominant Attribute: Finesse

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Song of the Whistling Bark Quill (Lore)
  2. Unleash (Pheme); A Cautionary Tale Told in Capilutza I (Lore)
  3. Athletic (Ability)
  4. Balance (Pheme)
  5. Surefooted (Spell)
  6. Quintana Gym
  7. Fire (Pheme), A Cautionary Tale Told in Capilutza II (Lore)
  8. A Cautionary Tale Told in Capilutza III (Lore)
  9. Rejection (Pheme), A Cautionary Tale Told in Capilutza IV (Lore)
  10. Graceful Moves (Spell)
  11. Dance Skill Maximum + 1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

  • Sleight-of-Hand - Conceal 11 (random)

Related Links:[]


Getting caught doing something "wrong" is one thing; getting caught and getting away with it is an entire other thing. Those who are well composed can frequently talk their way out of trouble, no matter how red-handed they were when caught. Those who fail to put in time and effort into this Skill will find themselves spending plenty of time in detention, whereas those who learn how to keep their faces and bodies subject to their will at all times will find themselves doing less time for their obvious crimes.

Dominant Attribute: Finesse

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Magery Guidelines (Lore)
  2. Overture of Composure (Lore)
  3. Stony Look (Ability)
  4. Privateer Feng's Gentle Parlor
  5. Steady Hand (Ability)
  6. Subsiding Anger (Lore)
  7. No More Peaks (Lore)
  8. Mediocre (Pheme), Tale of Grengorn the Old Timer (Lore)
  9. Serenity (Pheme)
  10. Game Face (Spell)
  11. Steeled Against All Disasters (Spell)

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

  • Sleight-of-Hand - Conceal 11 (random)

Related Links:[]


Ever wonder how the Court Jester managed to hide an entire bouquet of flowers up his sleeve? Only those who are masters at Conceal know the answer to that question, and those who know usually don't tell. In some endeavors, practice makes perfect; the Skill of Conceal happens to be one such. Time and effort will pay large dividends here, but only if one has enough Finesse to pull off the greatest of tricks.

Dominant Attribute: Finesse

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Opacity (Pheme)
  2. League of No-Sight (Lore)
  3. Wrist Flick (Ability)
  4. Obscure (Pheme), Chameleos (Lore)
  5. The Coat of Arms (Lore)
  6. Screen (Pheme)
  7. Run Down Classroom
  8. Ophelet Beghich (Shop)
  9. Foresight (Pheme), Entymology of the Half Moon (Lore)
  10. Ghnak ve' Ferchi (Shop)
  11. Random Sleight-of-Hand Skill Maximum + 1

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Related Links:[]
