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The Spy Skill set is exactly what you'd think: a body of techniques to discover and discern information about a person. Hiding and listening, to interrogation through lying, to spying from a distance - it all belongs to Spy. Most of the actions that one can gleam from this Skill are considered hostile; therefore, those looking to make and keep friends might be better served putting their resources elsewhere.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Air (Pheme), Spy SP I (Lore)
  2. Hostis (Pheme), Spy SP II (Lore)
  3. Blend into Surroundings (Action)
  4. Part (Pheme)
  5. Whole (Pheme)
  6. Music (Pheme),Spy SP III (Lore)
  7. Interrogate Person (Action)
  8. Entirety (Pheme), Spy SP IV (Lore)
  9. Transparency (Pheme)
  10. Inner Voice (Spell)
  11. Spy on Person (Action)

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Dominant Attribute: Insight

While the uninitiated believe that hiding is as simple as ducking behind a wall or slipping into a shadow, only a true initiate understands just how difficult hiding can be.  There are so many ways to hide (such as hiding in plain sight, hiding by not hiding, hiding by misdirection, and hiding by blending in, to name a few) that one could quite possibly spend their entire life learning the trade and never quite perfect it.  

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. From Within the Shadows (Lore)
  2. Opacity (Pheme), Realm of the Disappearances (Lore)
  3. Chameleon (Pheme)
  4. Deceptions, from the text Old Time Tales (Lore)
  5. Screen (Pheme), Prophecy of the Walking Voice (Lore)
  6. Lesser Camouflage (Spell)
  7. Void (Pheme)
  8. Academagia: Vegetable Garden
  9. Extra Pockets (Spell)
  10. Blind Spot (Spell)
  11. Greater Camouflage (Spell)

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

  • Research Topic: Hide 10

Research Topic (Hide)[]

Max Hide Skill increased +1 after completion of level 10.

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Dominant Attribute: Insight

Must one tell the truth at all times?  A question better left for those who study the Skill of Ethics, no doubt, but as to the actual action of lying, this is the proper place to put one's attentions and energy if speaking untruths is what one wishes to do.  The Skill of Lie is a fairly easy one to master, though as with all morally questionable Skills, what knowledge comes from this arena may lead one down dangerous and hostile paths.  

Training Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Obfuscate (Pheme)
  2. Subtlety (Pheme), Lies, Light as a Feather (Lore)
  3. Monotone (Pheme), Rhymes of the Untruthful (Lore)
  4. Steel Eyes (Ability)
  5. Facial Twitch (Spell)
  6. Speech (Pheme), Marks of Guilt: A Liar's Foe (Lore)
  7. Lilt (Pheme), Most Important Part of the Liar's Way (Lore)
  8. Falsify (Pheme)
  9. A Dark Message (Lore)
  10. Raylen's Gift (Spell) - Actual maximum. Current skill description is bugged. (CP1, P4)
  11. Voice of the Bard (Spell)

How to Raise Skill Maximum:[]

Related Links:[]


Dominant Attribute: Insight

Since the beginning of time, offense and defense have always traded positions as the most informed or the most utilized.  When one person developed a door, another person developed a battering ram.  When one person developed a moat, another person developed a bridge.  When one person developed a lock, it was inevitable that another person would discover a way to pick that lock.  

Levels and Unlocks:[]

  1. Diary of a Sneak, by Mysterio Unnamed I (Lore)
  2. Tactile (Pheme), I Cannot Resist a Challenge (Lore)
  3. Nimble (Pheme)
  4. Flawless (Pheme), Diary of a Sneak, by Mysterio Unnamed II (Lore)
  5. Numb (Pheme)
  6. 4th Joint (Spell)
  7. Minutiae (Pheme), Shut Up, You Fools (Lore)
  8. 'Slippery' Sanjavik Nedervil (Shop)
  9. Numb Fingers (Spell)
  10. Sense Tumblers (Spell)
  11. Professor Leith's Personal Supply Room

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