Academagia Wiki


Region: Elumia Proper[]

Chance of Discovery: 2[]

The Storm Master's Redoubt is a small, sealed, enchanted tower on a steep mountainside. It was apparently once meant as part of a series of defenses for a flying castle; the castle, unfortunately, is long gone. Now the building is the property of one Lady Aliviera Battori, though she has been known in the past to turn it over to individuals she respects (or wishes to encourage).


Storm Master's Redoubt[]

Anyone who visits the Storm Master's Redoubt will automatically gain 1 point Increases to Incantation and Concentration for the duration of his or her stay.


  • Increase Incantation
  • Increase Concentration

Examine the Redoubt[]

Visitors can examine the Storm Master's Redoubt - or, at least, its exterior - gaining 1 Step Expansions to Theory of Enchantment and Archaeology upon a successful Intelligence/Observation Roll v. 5.


  • Expand Theory of Enchantment
  • Expand Archaeology

Duration: 1[]

Draw Power from the Redoubt[]

The Captain of the Redoubt can actually step inside the tower and draw power from it, Increasing Strength by 1 and Incantation Methods by 3 for three full days - at the cost of a point of damage.


  • Expand (-1) Vitality
  • Increase Strength
  • Increase Incantation Methods

Action Types: Beneficial[]

Duration: 18[]

Unlocked by[]

The Nearest Shortcut (Adventure)
