Synchronicity refers to the magical skill and practice of aligning one's mind with another's - usually to shield against pain or to offer guidance against deeply held fears. The most exotic parts of the skill set is closely linked to Mastery, and though The Praetexta Court allows its study in strictly supervised environments, there's always the danger that law or custom will change - or simply be ignored in favor of preventative violence. The Masters of Synchronicity accept the risk. They see the good the magic can do.
This skill was added in DLC 16
Dominant Attribute: Insight
Training Levels and unlocks[]
- Synchronicity (Pheme)
- Inform Random Student
- Soothe Fears (Ability)
- Subtle Calm (Spell)
- Bond Affirmation (Action)
- Inspire Trust (Ability)
- Counter-Mastery (Ability)
- Steady On (Spell)
- Fortifying Trance (Ability)
- Clarifying Contact (Ability)
- Slip the Master's Mark (Ability)
Research Topic (Synchronicity)[]
- unlocked when Gressel's Medications is revealed
- at Level 10:
Related links[]
- Abilities - Synchronicity
- Actions - Synchronicity
- Expand - Synchronicity
- Items - Synchronicity
- Locations - Synchronicity
- Phemes - Synchronicity
- Spells - Synchronicity
Empathy is the gentle skill of trying to imagine yourself in another person's circumstances, then trying to understand why he or she is doing things differently than you would. Most of the time, you'll find it drastically reduces the urge to magically transform that other person into a piece of fruit for annoying you.
Dominant Attribute: Insight
Training Levels and unlocks[]
- 'From an Overheard Conversation' (Lore)
- Consideration (Pheme)
- Attentive Manner (Ability)
- Inform Random Student
- 'The Gift of Oneto Canasfari' (Lore)
- Encourage (Pheme)
- Write Thoughtful Letter (Action)
- Charm Enemy (Ability)
- Advise Fellow Student (Ability)
- Strive for Understanding (Ability)
- Expand Insight +1
To unlock Level 11:[]
- ?
Research Topic (Empathy)[]
- unlocked when The Great Hall is revealed (i.e. immediately at start of game)
- at Level 10:
Related links[]
- Abilities - Empathy
- Actions - Empathy
- Expand - Empathy
- Items - Empathy
- Locations - Empathy
- Phemes - Empathy
- Spells - Empathy
The skill involved in recognizing and using Instinct is a skill that habit and worry conspire to dull. It's a way of accepting what you understand before you can describe it; it's a way of finding confidence simply by realizing that it's deserved.
Dominant Attribute: Insight
Training Levels and unlocks[]
- 'Instinct (1)' (Lore)
- Free Running (Ability)
- Doubt (Pheme)
- Decisiveness (Pheme)
- Collect Yourself (Action)
- 'Instinct (2)' (Lore)
- Constructive Unease (Ability)
- Inform Safaviore School Training Grounds
- Natural Leadership (Ability)
- Lightning Reactions (Ability)
- Expand Finesse +1
To unlock Level 11:[]
Research Topic (Instinct)[]
- unlocked when is revealed
- at Level 10: Expand Insight +1
Related links[]
- Abilities - Instinct
- Actions - Instinct
- Expand - Instinct
- Items - Instinct
- Locations - Instinct
- Phemes - Instinct
- Spells - Instinct
Mental Bridging[]
Though much of the Synchronicity skill set is largely a function of Insight, the tools of Mental Bridging - of actually walking from the shores of one's own mind to those of another's - are the tools of Intelligence; of rigorous analysis and of the determined mastery of complex skills. The building of a bridge must be precise and rational in any event, but all the more so here - for if these bridges fall, madness is only the gentlest of the possible results.
Dominant Attribute: Intelligence
Training Levels and unlocks[]
- Soothe (Pheme)
- Connection (Pheme)
- Acute Concentration (Ability)
- Automatic Coordination (Ability)
- 'The Madness of Oneto Canasfari' (Lore)
- 'Blurring' (Lore)
- Gain & Inform Bridging Stone (Item)
- Perform Mental Exercises (Action)
- Judge Character (Ability)
- Light the Mind's Lantern (Spell)
- Expand Intelligence +1
To unlock Level 11:[]
- ?
Research Topic (Mental Bridging)[]
- unlocked when Vault of the Voices is revealed
- at Level 10:
Related links[]
- Abilities - Mental Bridging
- Actions - Mental Bridging
- Expand - Mental Bridging
- Items - Mental Bridging
- Locations - Mental Bridging
- Phemes - Mental Bridging
- Spells - Mental Bridging
The skill underlying Serenity is all about understanding and embracing all the possibilities of the moment you're in - and not wanting more. With serenity, you can set aside pain, you can focus your thoughts, you can control what you can control and you can forget about the rest. It's a skill most never learn.
Dominant Attribute: Insight
Training Levels and unlocks[]
- 'Serenity' (Lore)
- Apple Tree (Location)
- Serenity (Pheme)
- Cleansing Breath (Ability)
- Pain Management (Ability)
- Stillness (Pheme)
- Zone of Calm (Spell)
- Brace for Pain (Ability)
- Clear-Headedness (Ability)
- Deep Reserves (Ability)
- Expand Fitness +1
To unlock Level 11:[]
- ?
Research Topic (Serenity)[]
- unlocked when Cobblestone Path to Nowhere is revealed
- at Level 10:
Related links[]
- Abilities - Serenity
- Actions - Serenity
- Expand - Serenity
- Items - Serenity
- Locations - Serenity
- Phemes - Serenity
- Spells - Serenity