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Academagia Wiki

Astrological effects are grouped by signs, and each sign should exist in a collection. Therefore I suggest we delete this page and create a sub-catagorey of Astrological Signs.

The Avatar of Woe 15:02, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

euhm.. what do you mean?

I really should start on astrology in the game and try it myself... x)

Draigh 15:12, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Try an ability like "Take Measurements", or anything that has the word "Astrology" listed in it's effects. You'll be told that, for example, "the Auster and Corona constellations are now influencing your destiny".

I have no idea what this means, but click either "Auster" or "Corona" will show a lore entry about that constellation. The lore entry hints at what the sign may effect, such as Auster being called "the denier for its heavy innfluence on Negation", but doesn't give any numbers.

So, that's why I suggest we create something like Category: Signs, and Category: Signs - Negation, etc.

The Avatar of Woe 19:44, August 28, 2010 (UTC)