Academagia Wiki


This delicate Taxidermist's Pin was once used to hold together the bones of a powerful monster - some even speculate that it was a dragon, since the custodian of the bones was apparently too afraid to name it in writing. Whatever the creature was, contact with its remains has made this pin a powerful Mastery artifact, allowing it to Increase its owner's Mastery Methods and Mastery Parent Skill by 2 points each - as well as Increasing Intelligence by 1.

It's very, very illegal.


Taxidermist's Pin (passive)[]

Item Type[]

  • Hand
  • Durability Type: Durable
  • Durability: 13
  • Size: 0
  • Concealability: 0
  • Worth: 980

Recipe Information[]

  • Quality: 4

Enchant Skill[]

[[Natural Philosophy

Gained From[]

Inheritance: Mysterious Package
