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An Adventure with Isabeau Glorieux of Hedi college.  The adventure requires at least 7 actions, a successful adventurer can gain multiple skill-ups, relationship with Isabeux Glorieux, and a point of Insight.

Unlocked by: ?

Stage 1: The Discovery of a Passageway.[]

===Phase 1. Thefts Abound!===

  • 1. Thefts abound
Automatic : Advance to Phase 2.

Phase 2: Will you help Isabeau find the thief?[]

  • 1. Agree to help her.
Automatic : +1 Curiosity SS, access Stage 2.

  • 2. Reason.  Convince her that you don't have time to play Super Sleuth right now! (Roll vs 5)
Success: +1 Temperance SS, pause Adventure.
Failure: ?

  • 3. Journalism. Ask other Hedi Students about the thefts. (Roll vs =< at least 6)
Success: ?
Failure: +1 Stress, choose again.

Stage 2: The Interrogators[]

Unlocked by: The Discovery of a Passageway.

Phase 1: Where will you look for the thief?[]

  • 1. Innuendo. Check around the student rooms. (Roll vs =< 12)
Success: +1 Conversation SS, access Stage 3.
Failure: -1 Sleuthing SS.
  • 2. Conversation. Find out more about Isabeau and Hedi college. (Roll vs =< at most 13)
Success: +33 chance of success, choose again.
Failure: +1 Listen SS, choose again.
  • 3. Sleuthing. Check the Hedi common room.  (Roll vs 8)
Success: +1 Conversation SS, access Stage 3.
Failure: ?

Stage 3: The Best Laid Plans[]

Unlocked by: The Interrorgators

How are you going to track your target?[]

  • 1. Social Skills. Ask Isabeau what she thinks you should do. (Roll vs =< 12) (Unlocks Traps option*)
Success: opens option 3, choose again
Failure: choose again.

Success:  +2 Theory of Enchantment SS, access Stage 4.
Failure: ?

  • 3. Traps. Use Isabeau's magic tracking powder. (Roll vs =< 14)

Success: ?, access Stage 4.
Failure: ?

Stage 4: Caught Red-Handed? Or Merely Sleight-of-Hand?[]

Unlocked by: The Best Laid Plans


Success: +2 Sleuthing SS, access Stage 5.
Failure: ?
  • 2. Espionage. Secretely return everything yourselves.
Success: +2 Infiltration SS, +2 relationship Isabeau Glorieux, , access Stage 5.
Failure: +2 Stress
  • 3. Hide. See if you can arrange for a nice, inconspicuous nook.
Success: ?, choose again
Failure: ?
  • 4. Leadership. Tell the head of the college directly.
Success: ?, access Stage 5.
Failure: +2 Stress

Stage 5: The Pot and the Kettle[]

Unlocked by: Caught Red-Handed? Or Merely Sleight-of-Hand?

React to the accusation:

  • 1. Ignore this accusation.
Success: -1 Awareness SS. Increased Relationship with Isabeau by 1, end Adventure.
Failure: ?
Success: +1 Awareness SS, choose again
Failure: ?
Success: ?, access Stage 6.
Failure: ?

Stage 6: Intervention[]

  • 1. Logic.  Lecture Isabeau; try to be as logical as possible.  (Roll vs =< 14)
Success: +1 Logic SS, +1 Relationship Isabeau Glorieux, access Stage 7.
Failure: ?

  • 2. Character Study. Steal something from her - make a lesson of it!   (Roll vs =< 14)
Success: ?
Failure: ?

  • 3. Interrogation.  Question Isabeau more before you decide what to do.   (Roll vs =< at least 13)
Success: ?
Failure: ?

Stage 7: Breaking the addiction.[]

  • 1. Awareness.  Ease her into a non-thieving routine.  (Roll vs =< 22)
Success: +1 Insight, +3 relationship Isabeux Glorieux, conclude adventure.
Failure: ?

  • 2. Library Knowledge.  See if any books in the library will help.   (Roll vs =< 24)
Success: +50 chance of success, choose again.
Failure: ?

  • 3. Willpower.  Enforce a "cold-turkey" approach.  (Roll vs =< at least 21)
Success: ?
Failure: ?