Academagia Wiki
The Door in the Bad Part of Town
Prerequisites : Unknown
Begin Date : Unknown
End Date : Unknown
Days : 1
ModTools Name : Assasination Tunnel Adventure
Roll Levels : 5 to 12 ?
Automatic Benefits : +1 Intelligence
Possible Benefits : Long-Tail's Talisman (Item) or +1 Luck (on failure)

This is an adventure with Lambert Cobo in which the hero gets to explore a door that was added in DLC 16.

This adventure will provide multiple skill steps and skill levels (a couple of them to Mastery subskills!), as well as a point of Intelligence (if you succeed) or an item or a point of Luck (depending on where you fail).

Unlocked by: DLC 16, relationship with Lambert Cobo? (mine was 4), maybe requires a skill level or previous explored locations.

Stage 1: Following the Legend[]

  • 1. And now for the inevitable twist.
Automatic: Advance to phase 2

Phase 2: The Door That Isn't Here[]

  • 1. Maybe this isn't the time.
Automatic: ?
  • 2. Negation Methods. Break any disguising glamours that might be lingering (Roll v. at most 8)
Success: ? advance to phase 3.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Sleuthing. Are there any signs of activity? (Roll v. at most 8)
Success: ? choose again.
Failure: ?
  • 4. Enspell. Use magic to open the door. (Roll v. 6)
Success: +1 Negation Phemes SS, advance to phase 3.
Failure: ?

Phase 3: The Pathway Down[]

  • 1. Run away!
Automatic: ?
  • 2. Negation Phemes. Silence the area so you can hear if someone creeps up on you. (Roll v. at most 8)
Success: +1 Negation Phemes SS, advance to phase 4.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Perception. What could be watching you? (Roll v. 8)
Success: +25 Chance of Success, unlock option 5, choose again
Failure: ?
  • 4. Move Silently. Make yourself walk more quietly.  (Roll v. at most 5)
Success: +1 Infiltration SS, advance to phase 4.
Failure: ?
Success: +1 Infiltration SS, advance to phase 4.
Failure: ?

Phase 4: An Unexpected Face[]

  • 1. No need for drama; you and Lambert are friends. (Only available if relationship with Lambert ≥ 4?)
Automatic: ?
  • 2. Leadership. Negotiate terms here. (Roll v. at most 8)
Success: +1 Reason SS, advance phase 5.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Beguile. Be extra charming and see what kind of guidance he can offer. (Roll v. 6)
Success: +1 relationship Lambert Cobo, advance phase 5.
Failure: ?
  • 4. Reason. More importantly, what's he doing here? (Roll v. 7)
Success: temporary +2 Beguile, choose again
Failure: ?
  • 5. Just turn around and leave this adventure forever.  It's just not worth putting up with Lambert. (Roll v. ?)
Success: ?
Failure: ?

Phase 5: The Assassination Tunnels[]

  • 1. Manipulation. Distract him the old fashioned way, with incessant chatter. (Roll v. at most 5)
Success: +1 Storytelling SS, +1 relationship Lambert Cobo, advance to phase 6.
Failure: ?
  • 2. Glamour Methods. Tug at his attention with wisps of illusion. (Roll v. 7-11?)
Success: +1 Manipulation SS,+1 Flawless Timing SS? +1 relationship Lambert Cobo, advance to phase 6.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Mastery. Take advantage of Lambert's skill for your own gain with a bit of illegal magic. (Roll v. 2-12? only available if you know Mastery)
Success: +1 Awareness SS, inform about Lambert Cobo, advance to phase 6, unlock option 6.3.
Failure: ?

Phase 6: Parting of Ways[]

  • 1. Negotiate. Tell Lambert you want some private exploring time, and see what it would cost you. (Roll v. 10)
Success: +1 Persuasion SS, advance to phase 7.
Failure: -10 pims, advance to phase 7.
Success: +1 Manipulation SS, +1 Tactics SS, +1 Schoolyard Education SS, -1 relationship Lambert Cobo, advance to phase 7.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Willpower. Before your mental link with Lambert fades, use Mastery to send him down a different path. (Roll v. at most 10? unlocked if you chose the Mastery option in the previous phase)
Success: +2 Mastery Methods SS, advance to phase 7.
Failure: ?

Phase 7: The Junk Hoard[]

  • 1. Observation. Just look around and see what you can take in. (Roll v. 8)
Success: +1 Curiosity skill level, advance to phase 8.
Failure: ?
  • 2. Artisan. Identify the intended use of the items. (Roll v. 11)
Success: +1 Curiosity skill level, +1 Puzzles skill level, advance phase 8.
Failure: +1 Stress, add & inform Long-Tail's Talisman, End Adventure
  • 3. Aesthetics. Marvel at the beauty and value of the objects. (Roll v. 5)
Success: ?
Failure: +1 Stress, add & inform Long-Tail's Talisman, End Adventure

Phase 8: That Which Is Above[]

  • 1. Maybe its time to get out of here.
Success: ?
Failure: ?
  • 2. Composure. Stretch out to reach it. (Roll v. 13?)
Success: +1 Competition SS, +1 Awareness? advance to phase 9.
Failure: ?
  • 3. Negation. Not a lot of space here for out and out flying, but maybe weakening gravity a but will let you jump to catch the ladder (Roll v. 10)
Success: +1 Concentration SS, advance to phase 9.
Failure: ?
  • 4. Reason. How far up is the ladder? (Roll v. 7)
Success: temporary +25 chance of success, choose again
Failure: ?
  • 5. Athletics. Jump up to catch the end of the ladder. (Roll v. 9-19?)
Success: +1 Acrobatics skill level, advance to phase 9.
Failure: ?
Success: ?
Failure: ?

Phase 9: Tall Tail[]

  • 1. Befriend. Make an appeal to her emotions. (Roll v. at least 10)
Success: +1 Awareness SS, +1 Social Skills SS, advance to phase 10.
Failure: access Phase 7 (yes 7, but renamed Back to the Junk Room)
  • 2. Command. Just make sure you're the dominant presence in the room, and trust that she'll respect it. (Roll v. at least 10)
Success: ?
Failure: ?
  • 2. Mastery Phemes.  Make her think you already know each other.  (Roll v. 6, only available if you know Mastery Phemes)
Success: +1 Theory of Mastery skill level, +1 Confidence skill level, unlocks option 10.3.
Failure: ?

Phase 10: Escape![]

  • 1. Glamour. Confuse her so that you have a chance to get away. (Roll v. 11-19?)
Success: +1 Flawless Timing skill level, advance to phase 11
Failure: +2 Stress, +1 Luck, conclude adventure.
Success: ?
Failure: ?
  • 3. Mastery. Use Mastery to get out of here before things get ugly. (Roll v. 2-12? unlocked by succeeding at Mastery Phemes option in the previous phase)
Success: +1 Flawless Timing skill level, +1 Awareness skill level, advance to phase 11
Failure: ?

Phase 11: Escape![]

  • 1. What can you do with this information?
Automatic: +1 Danger Sense skill level, +1 Scouting skill level, +1 Intelligence, conclude adventure.