An adventure to help Emilia Strolin to defend herself from the corrupt and evil Durand students, each stage requires an action (minimun 7), in a succesful adventure you can gain multiple skill-ups, relationship points with Emilia, a point of Glory and a point of Charm.
Unlocked by: Relationship with Emilia Strolin at 4.
Stage 1. The Weary Library[]
Phase 1: Tired in the Library[]
- 1. Keep going...
Automatic: Advance to phase 2
Phase 2: Why is Emilia so Sad?[]
- 1. Fitness/School survival vs 4. Keep moving.
Success: +1 Traps ss, pause Adventure. Failure: +1 Relationship with Emilia Strolin, access Stage 2
- 2. Insight/Beguile vs 5. Go and see if you can get Emilia to say what’s wrong.
Success: +1 Relationship with Emilia Strolin, access Stage 2 Failure: Listen -1 SS, pause Adventure.
- 3. Charm/Beguile vs 4. Ask another Student
Success: Increase Chance of Success by 15%, unlock option 4, choose again.
Failure: Stress +1, choose again.
- 4. Charm/Composure vs 3. Talk to Emilia.
Success: Courage +1 SS, access stage 2.
Failure: Courage -1 SS, pause Adventure.
Stage 2. The adventure begins[]
- 1. Charm/School survival vs 4. Try to explain that you're kind of busy.
Success: Try again later.
Failure: Courage -1 SS, access stage 3.
- 2. Insight/Observation vs 9. Examine your friend
Success: Unlock option 4, choose again.
Failure: choose again.
- 3. Insight/Plot vs 6. Agree to help with whatever she's plotting
Success: +1 reason SS, Advance to stage 3. Failure: -1 Relationship with Emilia Strolin, pause Adventure.
- 4. Conversation. Use the professor to dodge Emilia for now.
Success: +1 Deceit ss, Advance to stage 3. Failure: -1 Relationship with Emilia Strolin, pause Adventure.
Stage 3. Finding a friend[]
Phase 1: Target: Sheary Warrington[]
- 1. You can't do it, it's like kicking a puppy
Automatic: +1 Stress, +1 Ethics SS, Try again later.
- 2. Luck/Bully vs Fitness/Brute Strength (. Bully the Durand Student and have Emilia come chase you off.
Success: Insult +2 SS, Advance to Stage 4.
Failure: Insult -1 SS, Advance to Stage 4.
- 3. Intelligence/Planning vs 10. Release something to endanger you mark, and give Emilia a spell to scare it off.
Success: Mammals +2 SS, Advance to Stage 4.
Failure: Mammals -1 SS, Advance to Stage 4.
- 4. Insight/Gossip vs 12. Get to know Emilia's new "friend" a little better.
Success: unlock option 5, choose again
Failure: choose again.
- 5. Charm/Romance vs 11. Fake a love note from Emilia--and don’t tell her!
Success: Relationship Maximum +1 with Emilia Strolin, Relationship +1 with Emilia Strolin, Advance to Stage 4.
Failure: Planning -1 SS, Advance to Stage 4.
Stage 4. Plots and planning[]
Phase 1: Target: Durand Dorm[]
- 1. This has really gone far enough.
Automatic: +1 Temperance SS, -2 Relationship with Emilia Strolin, Advance to stage 5.
- 2. Intelligence/Materials knowledge vs 14. find a way in? Boring! You'll make a way in!
Success: +2 Materials Knoledge SS, Access to Stage 5.
Failure: -2 Merit, Pause Adventure.
- 3. Insight/Observation vs 15. Find a sneaky way in.
Success: +20% Success chance, Choose again.
Failure: Choose again
- 4. Intelligence/Infiltration vs 13. OK, you can find a way in, no problem.
Success: +2 Infiltration ss, Advance to stage 5.
Failure: -2 Merit, Pause Adventure.
Stage 5. Inside Job[]
- 1. Insight/Planning vs 19. Go over the plot again.
Success: +33% Success chance, Open option 4, Choose again.
Failure: Choose again.
- 2. Intelligence/Plot vs 19. Frame your patsy
Success: +3 relationship with Emilia Strolin, Advance to stage 6. Failure: +2 stress, pause adventure
- 3. Finesse/Sabotage vs 17. Making that poor girl look guilty makes no sense!
Success: +3 Deceit SS, Advance to stage 6.
Failure: +3 Stress, pause adventure.
- 4. Finesse/Plot vs 19. Take credit yourself.
Success: +1 Glory, Advance to stage 6.
Failure: -3 Merit, Pause Adventure.
Stage 6. Suffering the Backlash[]
- 1. Fitness/Escape Artist vs 22. Speed out of there!
Success: Running +2 SS, Danger Sense +2 SS, Advance to stage 7.
Failure: -2 Vitality.
- 2. Strength/Strategy vs 21. Take a stand!
Success: Courage +2 SS, Intimidation +2 SS, access stage 7.
Failure: -2 Random Subskill ss.
- 3. Intelligence/Observation vs 24. What's going on?
Success: +33% Chance of success, Choose again.
Failure: Choose again.
- 4. Fitness/School Survival vs 24. Be a lover not a fighter.
Success: Character Study +2 SS, Acting +2 SS, Advance to stage 7.
Failure: +2 Stress.
Stage 7. Emilia's Reckoning[]
- 1. Leave her to the wolves
Automatic: +2 Stress, Try again later.
- 2. Insight/Social skills vs 21. Calm the professor down
Success: +1 First Principles Skill level, +1 Wit Skill level, +1 Charm, Conclude adventure.
Failure: +3 Stress, Try again later.
- 3. Luck/Passion vs 26. Maybe there is something.
Success: +33% Chance of success, Choose again.
Failure: Choose again.