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The Skill of War is the indelible knowledge of sending men to their deaths in order that the greater portion of their friends might live. No general enjoys seeing his army slaughtered, but all must plant the bitter seed of death in order to watch the beauty that is life flower and grow. Without war, there would be no growth, and without growth, there would be naught but death. War is necessary, and those who study it will live on; those who do not will be ground under the boots of those who do.

Dominant Attribute: Insight

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Fitness (Pheme), War SP I (Lore)
  2. Understand Strategy (Ability)
  3. Strength (Pheme), War SP III (Lore)
  4. War SP IV (Lore)
  5. Posture of Boldness (Action), Posture of Vigilance (Action)
  6. Warrior's Resilience (Ability)
  7. Stress (Pheme), War SP VII (Lore)
  8. Wrath (Pheme)
  9. Fierce (Pheme), War SP IX (Lore)
  10. Channel Athanasius’ Spirit (Ability)
  11. Inspire Troops (Action)

Research Topic (War)[]

Related links[]


Dominant Attribute: Insight

The darker half of the circle that is leadership, the Skill of Command is nevertheless extremely useful in certain circumstances. While leaders usually lead by example, it is up to commanders to command the respect and fear of others in order that they may do what needs to be done, distasteful as it may be. For example, one rarely wants a leader in battle, for a person who leads the charge is frequently the first to encounter enemy spears and leave his soldiers devoid of leadership. A commander, on the other hand, knows who to send when and in which order so that he may survive the coming battle and take advantage of the other side’s mistakes.  Leaders often speak with courtesy; commanders usually speak with authority.

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Follow (Pheme), Epic Poem About War by Charles Wortnoten (Lore)
  2. Confidence (Pheme)
  3. Irrational (Pheme), Errus Viada's Complete History of the Isles (Lore)
  4. Jitters (Pheme)
  5. Evaluate Situation (Spell)
  6. Library Manetele's Battle Plans (Lore), Battle Plans Housed in the Library of Manetele (Lore), Unleash (Pheme)
  7. Rimbal to a Battle (Lore), Student Essay Comparing Rimbal to a Battle (Lore)
  8. The After Battle Effects (Lore)
  9. Crisis of Confidence (Spell)
  10. Take Charge (Spell)
  11. Expand Insight

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Command)[]

Related links[]

Famous Battles[]

Dominant Attribute: Insight

History is written by the victors; words of the losers are only used as footnotes.  In studying famous battles from decades and centuries past, one can learn more than just tactics; one can learn how one wins.  By focusing on what has already been tried and under what circumstances a particular general or group of people won, a student of famous battles will have a leg up on someone who abhors study.  

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. The Song of the Battle of the Dragons (Lore)
  2. Glory (Pheme)
  3. Introduction to Famous Battles (Lore), Chaos (Pheme)
  4. Durand's Flotilla (Spell)
  5. Ballad of the Battle of the Bowl (Lore), Smooth (Pheme)
  6. Battle of the Ki'bonic Pass (Spell)
  7. The Legend of Golon (Lore)
  8. Lucia’s False Surrender (Spell)
  9. Attack, Attack, Attack; Defend, Defend, Defend (Lore)
  10. Arataxa’s Serpentine March (Spell)
  11. Dandibraw’s Charge (Spell)

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Famous Battles)[]

Related links[]


Dominant Attribute: Insight

Getting men to follow a person is one thing; getting them to disregard their own safety to follow a person is entirely another thing.  Leadership is about getting people to follow you through mostly benign methods.  A good leader knows when benign methods aren't enough, though, and knows how to make people follow him or her regardless of the situation.  

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Introduction to Leadership (Lore)
  2. From Intermediate Leadership (Lore)
  3. Inform Godina Park: Merrick's Statue
  4. Center (Pheme), Song of Leadership (Lore)
  5. Mettle (Pheme)
  6. The Legend of Stryker (Lore)
  7. Presence (Pheme)
  8. Sally Forth! (Lore), Rejection (Pheme)
  9. Presence of Person (Spell)
  10. Loss of Confidence (Spell)
  11. Expand Charm

To unlock Level 11:[]

  • Research Topic: Leadership 10

Research Topic (Leadership)[]

Related links[]


Dominant Attribute: Insight

The Skill of Logistics is one that any student of War can pick up with relative ease.  The execution of logistical thinking, however, is the thing that can make or break an army in the field as well as behind friendly lines.  Therefore, only the best logistical thinkers find themselves in regular employ.  

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Float (Pheme), Quote of the Unknown Sergeant (Lore)
  2. Harness (Pheme), From the Text, Beginning Logistics (Lore)
  3. Load (Pheme), Sanitation on the Battlefield (Lore)
  4. Food on the Battlefield (Lore), Foresight (Pheme)
  5. Supply (Pheme)
  6. Demand (Pheme)
  7. Basic Logistics (Spell)
  8. Confusion in the Ranks (Spell)
  9. From the Text, Intermediate Logistics (Lore)
  10. Masterful Supply (Spell)
  11. Expand Intelligence

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Logistics)[]

Related links[]

Manner of a Champion[]

Dominant Attribute: Insight

[New Skill as of DLC 7]

College Durand has always laid a special claim on the heritage of King Durand, first among all the kings who stood against the dragons in the dark days before the coming of the New Gods - but, of course, Durand's example belongs to all humanity.  This is the skill and the art of bringing hope and courage to bear against what seems certain defeat.

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. On the Rendering of Durand in Certain Mosaics (Lore)
  2. Flexibility (Pheme)
  3. Stare Down the Enemy (Ability)
  4. A Brief Aside... (Lore)
  5. Inspiration (Pheme)
  6. Train Your Company (Ability)
  7. Arrows Against Dragons (Spell)
  8. Expand Stress Maximum
  9. Undaunted to the End (Ability)
  10. First Light in the Darkness (Spell)
  11. Expand Fitness

To unlock Level 11:[]

  • ===?===

Research Topic (Manner of a Champion)[]

Related links[]


Dominant Attribute: Insight

The grand and sweeping ideas that one needs to use in order to achieve one’s goals are the very definition of Strategy.  Tactics is how one goes about getting what one wants after deciding how to get it; Strategy is about deciding what one wants.  

Training Levels and unlocks[]

  1. Insight (Pheme), Strategy SP I (Lore)
  2. Attack (Pheme)
  3. Strategy SP III (Lore)
  4. Punch & Exploit (Spell)
  5. Strategy SP V (Lore)
  6. Defend (Pheme)
  7. Strategy SP VII (Lore), Disorientation (Pheme)
  8. Absorb & Defend (Spell)
  9. Strategy SP IX (Lore)
  10. Inform The War Room
  11. Command maximum Subskill Level +1

To unlock Level 11:[]

Research Topic (Strategy)[]

Related links[]
